We Used to Joke About the Nerds Taking Over. . . Remember? (End of the World)

in #nerds6 years ago (edited)

Nerds in high school 20 years ago had it rough. Teachers and students alike would joke that "we need to be nice to the nerds - they're going to be running the world some day." Now they are - and it's not pretty.

Since antiquity, the world has been run by powerful families who maintain control by hording vast wealth and treasure and ensuring the masses never accumulated enough to challenge them. Today that's still true, but a shift is taking place; although massive wealth still commands control, something else - technology and AI, and who has access and control of it - is what will determine who or what will run the future.

Hi Steemians, I'm @holsturr.

TLDR: Many smart kids that were traumatized in school are now extraordinarily wealthy and powerful. They are the ones designing the systems that will run the world from here on out.

Arguably, nerds today are regarded much differently than 20-30 years ago. Today, the media and culture of the last several years have made it acceptable - or even desirable - to be a geek. In the recent past, being a geek was a quick and direct path to bullying and complete ostracization.

Sure, nerds today are doing okay with high net worths and a future that needs them. But a lot of them are very damaged, very sick, and very medicated. Is the world is at their mercy?

The Big Bang Theory, in its early days, was pioneering television that made it cool to be smart and dorky.

But the world wasn't always such a welcoming place for nerds. Today's tech forerunners grew up being bullied, ostracized, and misunderstood during their formative years - with lasting psychological effects. To exacerbate the situation, many of these people were put on antidepressants and antipsychotics back before any long-term data was available of the devastating effects of these medications on brain chemistry and mental health. Today's grown-up nerds aren't just psychologically damaged from their troubled childhoods - they're physiologically damaged as well.

It's been shown that long-term use of antidepressants, antipsychotics, alcohol, and other addictive substances, from sugar to recreational drugs, literally interferes or destroys a persons' ability to feel empathy and happiness. In criminology, it is well-documented that serial killers and psychopaths often show this trait - an incapability to empathize with others, with the closest thing they feel to happiness coming only when they are dominating and controlling someone or something.

Sound like a problem?

But it doesn't stop there. In order to be competitive in the tech field, it is common practice for developers and others to use nootropic substances and take drugs like Adderall. The result seems to be men and women who are overworked, depressed, isolated, alone, desperate, incapable of communication and normal social functioning, and just simply dead inside.

We're beginning to see the trappings of this widespread miasma.

A former Google and Uber executive has filed paperwork for his own AI-worshiping church, and many wealthy and powerful people are calling for a push towards transhumanism - which ultimately boils down to global human depopulation - and the normalization of occult practices and heavy DMT use - which ultimately leads to Satanic practices and beliefs.

Will we see humanity and what it means to be human change in the near future?

It's hard to predict where all this will lead. Many believe that human culture is already too inwardly focused to muster the capability of change. Competition with your neighbor is more prevalent than cooperation with your neighbor. Morality aside and from a purely game theory standpoint, competing and gathering is probably the wisest method of operation in modern culture than helping and sharing. For decision-makers and influencers whose main drive is control, with a monopoly on technology to facilitate that control, no paradigm could be better.

Generation Z seems to be bucking the trend, favoring morality and freedom over control and conquest. Will a cooperation-based culture make a return, where the status quo is to support one's community, or will people be forced into a competitive paradigm, where one has to "win" to get ahead, and a powerful few will control infighting masses?

💰✨Remember… Every single person is their own trusted expert and seeking to promote yourself in that role is vital today, now more than ever.

This has been @holsturr, thank you for reading!

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Thanks again! 😍🌷

Very comprehensive and well said...no one knows where these whole advancements in technology is leading us to. Good or bad but i believe that we shall overcome it. Nice article you have got @holsturr

Thank you @caesar816 and thank you for leaving a comment!

I think we'll overcome it too. Two revolutions have hit at the same time - blockchain and automation\AI - very hard to tell where it's leading for sure!

My pleasure meeting you here man