Newbies Initiative
Hello, the time has come to announce the launch of the next program to help new users on the platform.
Let us tell you a bit about it
This is a program to train new users/accounts so they can have a better understanding of the capabilities of the Hive Blockchain as well as those who have not been able to develop well enough so far.
The initiative has a duration of 3 months, and accounts that are approved to enter are required to complete several tasks. Periodic trainings will be done for those who need additional information, and it is okay for people not in the program to participate in the discussion.
For those users who do not speak English, there will be translators to be able to bring more clarity and clear up any problems they may have at the moment. How many and what kind of translators there will be will be announced further as we find out what languages the people involved in the program speak. For the moment there is the possibility of English, Spanish and Bulgarian translations, and if necessary we can come up with the option of translators in other languages.
This application is open from today, 24th January and has a deadline till 20th of February 2022.
We invite you to join the Hive Classroom Discord Server.

Iniciativa de Novatos
Hola, ha llegado el momento de anunciar el lanzamiento del próximo programa de apoyo a los nuevos usuarios de la plataforma.
Déjanos contarte un poco sobre esto
Se trata de un programa de formación para los nuevos usuarios/cuentas para que puedan conocer mejor las capacidades de Hive Blockchain, así como para aquellos que no han conseguido desarrollarse lo suficientemente bien hasta ahora.
La iniciativa tiene una duración de 3 meses, y las cuentas que son aprobadas para entrar deben completar varias tareas. Se realizarán formaciones periódicas para aquellos que necesiten información adicional, y está bien que personas ajenas al programa participen en el debate.
Para aquellos usuarios que no hablen inglés, habrá traductores para poder aportar más claridad y aclarar cualquier problema que puedan tener en este momento. Cuántos y qué tipo de traductores habrá se anunciarán más adelante, cuando sepamos qué idiomas hablan las personas que participan en el programa. Por el momento existe la posibilidad de traducciones al inglés, al español y al búlgaro, y si es necesario podemos plantear la opción de traductores en otros idiomas.
Esta solicitud está abierta desde hoy, 24 de enero, y tiene un plazo hasta el 20 de febrero de 2022.
Te invitamos a unirte al Servidor de Discordia del Aula Colmena.

How to Apply:
Visit the SMILE Discord server, go to the #rules channel, and follow the instructions to receive the Newbie role. Then, go to the "ALIENTO" section, look for the #newbie-introductory-posts channel, and paste the link for your hive introductory post. It doesn't matter if it's old.
After that, write a newbie participation post to analyze if you truly understand this initiative's requirements and benefits (more details in the next point).
NOTE: To qualify, you must have a HIVE reputation below 65.00 and less than 500 HivePower.
Cómo aplicar:
Visita el servidor de Discord de SMILE, ve al canal #rules, y sigue las instrucciones para recibir el rol de Novato. Luego, ve a la sección "ALIENTO", busca el canal #newbie-introductory-posts, y pega el enlace de tu post de introducción a Hive. No importa si es viejo.
Después, escribe un post de participación de novato para analizar si realmente entiendes los requisitos y beneficios de esta iniciativa (más detalles en el siguiente punto).
NOTA: Para calificar, debes tener una reputación de HIVE inferior a 65.00 y menos de 500 HivePower.

Newbies Application Post
Besides the Hive Power and Reputation, another requirement to participate in this initiative is to create an application post. These are the steps you need to follow:
Contact @projectmamabg (her Discord username is: projectmamabg#3575) in the SMILE DISCORD SERVER to get a badge to use as your application post header picture.
Create a post in https://peakd.com/, https://ecency.com/, or https://hive.blog/.
If you don't have enough resources to post contact us and we'll make a delegation to get you started. Send a message to @eddiespino on Discord: eddiespino [Aliento]#2240 if you need a delegation.
Post title should contain the words "My Application to Newbies Initiative".
Share your thoughts about this initiative and also share a link to this post.
Mention your current Hive reputation and your Hive Power.
Write about your purpose or reasons for joining this initiative and give more details about your blog or topics that you like to write about.
Your entries should be written in your own words and not a copy of what is written here. Making original content is crucial to have success on Hive.
Write your post in English or in both English and your native language. You can use DeepL to translate.
Use #new-bie as one of your first four tags.
And very important: Share your post in SMILE DISCORD SERVER on the #newbies-application-posts channel and also tag @aliento in your post.
NOTE: Only a few newbies will be selected to participate in this initiative, so it's necessary to follow all the rules.
Publicación de Solicitud para Novatos
Además del Hive Power y la Reputación, otro de los requisitos para participar en esta iniciativa es crear una publicación con una solicitud. Estos son los pasos que debes seguir:
Contacta a @projectmamabg (su nombre de usuario en Discord es: projectmamabg#3575) en el SMILE DISCORD SERVER para conseguir una insignia que podrás utilizar como imagen de cabecera de tu post de candidatura.
Crea un post en https://peakd.com/, https://ecency.com/, o https://hive.blog/.
Si no tienes suficientes recursos para publicar ponte en contacto con nosotros y te haremos una delegación para que puedas empezar. Envía un mensaje a @eddiespino en Discord: eddiespino [Aliento]#2240 si necesitas una delegación.
El título del post debe contener las palabras "Mi solicitud a la Iniciativa Newbies".
Comparte tu opinión sobre esta iniciativa y también comparte un enlace a este post.
Menciona tu reputación actual en Hive y tu Hive Power.
Escribe sobre tu propósito o razones para unirte a esta iniciativa y da más detalles sobre tu blog o temas sobre los que te gusta escribir.
Tus entradas deben estar escritas con tus propias palabras y no ser una copia de lo que está escrito aquí. Hacer contenido original es crucial para tener éxito en Hive.
Escribe tu entrada en inglés o en inglés y en tu lengua materna. Puedes utilizar DeepL para traducir.
Utiliza #new-bie como una de tus cuatro primeras etiquetas.
Y muy importante: Comparte tu post en SMILE DISCORD SERVER en el canal #newbies-application-posts y etiqueta a @aliento en tu post.
NOTA: Sólo unos pocos novatos serán seleccionados para participar en esta iniciativa, por lo que es necesario seguir todas las reglas.

Additional Requirements
If HBD stays in the $1.00 range, we highly encourage newbies to set the rewards of their posts at 100% Hive Power. If you have questions on how to do this feel free to contact us.
We expect Newbies to power up as much Hive as possible in their first month. Here you can learn how to convert HBD to HIVE.
Participating newbies are expected to publish often, at least one post a day. This is possible to attain. That's why we would like to recommend you joining The 30 Days Blogging Challenge hosted by The Blogging Challenge Community which would help to achieve the goal of daily blogging on Hive.
Posts made by participating newbies are advised to be shared in the SMILE DISCORD SERVER in #newbies-initiative-posts under the "ALIENTO" category newbies can engage with each other by commenting on shared posts. We will be on the lookout for healthy comments and supporting them through upvotes or tips via the @peakd tipping system.
Engaging with other newbies is a very important requirement. Comments give life to the blockchain and they are a great way to meet new friends and to expand our vision of Hive.
NOTE: The deadline for the application post is till the end of the month.
Requisitos Adicionales
Si el HBD se mantiene en el rango de $1.00, animamos a los novatos a que establezcan las recompensas de sus posts al 100% del Hive Power. Si tienes preguntas sobre cómo hacerlo, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
Esperamos que los Newbies realicen Power Up todo lo posible Hive en su primer mes. Aquí puedes aprender a convertir HBD a HIVE.
Se espera que los novatos participantes publiquen con frecuencia, al menos un post al día. Esto es posible de alcanzar. Por eso nos gustaría recomendarles que se unan al Reto de 30 días de blogueo organizado por The Blogging Challenge Community que ayudaría a alcanzar el objetivo de bloguear diariamente en Hive.
Se aconseja que los posts realizados por los novatos participantes se compartan en el SMILE DISCORD SERVER en #newbies-initiative-posts bajo la categoría "ALIENTO" los novatos pueden participar entre sí comentando los posts compartidos. Estaremos atentos a los comentarios saludables y los apoyaremos mediante upvotes o consejos a través del sistema de propinas de @peakd.
Interactuar con otros novatos es un requisito muy importante. Los comentarios dan vida a la cadena de bloques y son una gran manera de conocer nuevos amigos y de expandir nuestra visión de Hive.
NOTA: El plazo de presentación de solicitudes es hasta final de mes.

High-quality newbies posts that are shared on the #newbies-initiative-posts channel in the SMILE DISCORD SERVER will receive upvotes.
Newbies can ask us anything they want to know about Hive or blogging-related topics in our SMILE DISCORD SERVER under the #help-chat in the "ALIENTO" category and we will also have help channels in The Hive Classroom Discord Server.
You'll get to know new authors, communities, and initiatives.
Finally by completing tasks, commenting, posting, upvoting, and making transfers Newbies will beat at least part of Hive's learning curve and will be ready to grow as Hivers and become part of this thriving community.
Los posts de alta calidad de los novatos que se compartan en el canal #newbies-initiative-posts en el SMILE DISCORD SERVER recibirán upvotes.
Los novatos pueden preguntarnos cualquier cosa que quieran saber sobre Hive o temas relacionados con los blogs en nuestro SMILE DISCORD SERVER bajo el #help-chat en la categoría "ALIENTO" y también tendremos canales de ayuda en el Hive Classroom Discord Server.
Conocerás nuevos autores, comunidades e iniciativas.
Finalmente, completando tareas, comentando, posteando, votando, y haciendo transferencias Los novatos vencerán al menos parte de la curva de aprendizaje de Hive y estarán listos para crecer como Hivers y formar parte de esta próspera comunidad.

Final Words
We are thankful for this opportunity to help Newbies once again. It's always a pleasure to help new Hive users. Besides the people we already mentioned here we want to thank @theycallmedan and the @threespeak team.
Special thanks to @selfhelp4trolls for his support towards the initiative curation trail and @projectmamabg, for introducing the initiative to new users and moderating for the SMILE Server.
Remember to join the SMILE and The Hive Classroom Discord Servers.
Palabras Finales
Estamos agradecidos por esta oportunidad de ayudar a los Newbies una vez más. Siempre es un placer ayudar a los nuevos usuarios de Hive. Además de las personas que ya mencionamos aquí queremos agradecer a @theycallmedan y al equipo de @threespeak.
Un agradecimiento especial a @selfhelp4trolls por su apoyo en el camino de la curación de la iniciativa y a @projectmamabg, por presentar la iniciativa a nuevos usuarios y moderar el servidor SMILE.
Recuerda unirte a los servidores Discord de SMILE y The Hive Classroom.

For more info, and better understanding on how to make your Application post, read this post below.
@piratethanos you should check this out.
Thanks for inviting a friend!
You are welcome
This is a great program, I'll surely join in this to learn more about hive and understand it well.
We would be anticipating your application post. Stay safe!
I just did that thanks for hosting this program
Hurray!! @eflevour1 come and check this out.
Wow. This is lovely, I'll definitely look into it
Thanks for inviting a friend!
@abdul-qudus, @abidemiademok here we go, go and make us proud 🥳🥳
Yeah. Thanks so much dear friend. I am taking the steps gradually. See you at the top 😎
Thanks for inviting your friends!
My pleasure
Thank you so much dear. Thank God I got this las las because you did not include 21 in the username. 🙄🙄🙄
I am working on the application posts right now. ✔️✔️✔️
Am super excited that @newbies-hive recruitment is open again, and I hope I'll be luck to be among the new recruit.
We are happy to be open again as well.
As they say, you would never know until you try. We anticipate your application post!
Hey, @newbies-hive, @projectmamabg, look at this.....typo error 👇👇👇
Thanks... Corrected.
You are welcome, boss
OMG I'v messed that one. Thank you for noticing it. The dead line is till the end of February
You are welcome, ma'am. ❤️
I still really have a long way to go in getting to know more about hive.
I just hope I will be lucky to be selected among the few so I can get all the knowledge and information about Hive.
I really appreciate all the brains behind this newbie initiative, nice work 👍.
I've waited so long for this...
A place for growth as finally been open..
Here we go Newbie-Initiative 💜
I'll see you at the top, boss 💞💞
Awwwn.. Iska dear
I pray I fall among lucky ones to be selected sha🙏🙏
You definitely will. I have faith in you. 🤗
I would love to be a part of this initiative. Thanks for this initiative, I hope I would be selected.
Heyy. @nelson-george check this out!!!
This is a good one, I hope to participate and learn more ,so as to understand the platform better, because sometimes I feels like am always confused.
Can I post the link to my application here?
Yes, you can
Finally, the newbies initiative is back. This program will definitely help newbies to develop and improve on the blockchain. This is one of the greatest initiative on Hive, kudos to the team behind this.
@keishaa, kindly check this out and apply, this program really helped me, I’m sure it will help you too.
Thank you so much, I’ll definitely check it out tonight. I try calling your number it’s not going hope you are okay?
Wow. I am personally grateful the enlistment of @projectmamabg as part of this team.
This initiative is a source of succor to newbies who are aligned.
Thank you very much for this intiative.
Here is my application post.
Congratulations @newbies-hive! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):
Your next target is to reach 2250 upvotes.
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
Hey Earthlings.
I'm up for this
I've been told by my Mentor for so long about this Newbies initiative
Thanks for the move
We can't wait
@khingstan Cares 🤴✌️
This is my application to the newbie initiative
Thank you @newbies-hive for this initiative. This is my application post link
This is great enough, i must confess!
Hi Hiverians, my application.
@brahsegun @dagreats check this out please
This is an amazing initiative, I look hope I'll get to be favourably consider.
Below is the link to my Application post 👇
@jamiuprince @popmanj you guys need to check this out.
Thank you very much. Seems we are about to get some orientation here.
How have you been? Haven't been seeing much of you lately around here.
I'm doing great dear, just kind of busy lately.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
I will love to be a part of this imitative and am sure this will solve my problems on hive
Hello @newbies-hive
here is my post on the newbie initiative
What a wonderful initiative!
Please here is the link to my application post: https://peakd.com/hive-150329/@wildthougts/my-application-to-the-newbies-initiative
Thank so much for the privilege to do this.
This is my application
Hello @newbie-hive
Here is My application for the initiative.
Thanks for putting this up for us
Greeting guys… hope you are all doing great
This is my application for the program below
Hi guys! This is my entry for NEWBIES INITIATIVE 2022 🌸:
Thanks so much for the amazing opportunity to do better.
Here is my application
Many thanks to you @newbies-hive for this initiative.
Here is my application post.
My Application. Please read
Hey family, good morning @newbies-hive
This is my entry for the NEWBIES INITIATIVE
I sure hope it be open unto us all
And the best of experience I wish for us all😇😇
My entries to the newbies please read
Good morning everyone, I am Lawrence by name on #Hive is @lawrence27. This pl... https://peakd.com/hive-189306/@lawrence27/my-application-to-newbies-initiative
Hello everyone!
This is my post for the newbies initiative.
A welcome idea newbies initiative ✅ I’m glad to have the opportunity to #hive you the best 💯🙏
My entries Hello Friends, Good evening to you all. Am Emmanuel, on #Hive am @emmanuel222... https://peakd.com/hive-189306/@emmanuel222/my-application-post-to-newbies-initiative
My Application For Newbies Initiative https://ecency.com/hive-189306/@channell1/my-application-for-newbies-initiative
Thanks for the opportunity. Here's my entry link
Oh yeah..
My application is ready
My application post link:
My application post link: