I just received news that one of our #newbieresteemday leaders (and my steemit brother) @deliberator has lost his best friend in life. He has done so much for us all over the past 3 months, that his presence here will be truly missed.

Steemit for me has been a place that has brought together a very large group of people for me to meet, get to know, and learn from. Through my daily interactions, I have gotten to respect the hell out of many for both their efforts and their generous spirits. Delib has been one of the many that has stood out, and he has been my friend since the moment we first connected.
I am saddened at the news of his loss. And I will miss him as he tends to his life's affairs.

I know many of you will agree with me, so I wanted to send a post to let you know that we might not be seeing as much of our favorite friend as we have gotten used to over the past few months. He has a daughter that needs him more than ever, and he will of course be grieving. He has informed me that his time Here will be limited, and asked me to convey that to you all, and I am.

I know that many of you would like to know what has happened, so I am sending this post to reach my followers and I will also tag people too (in hopes that they see it in this way too).
So I will tag some of "originals" here and help get the message out, so that everyone can understand his situation. I would ask that if you see someone not on the list that you think would like to know, to please spread the word and tag them in the comment section too.
@themanwithnoname @lynncoyle1 @amariespeaks @royaleagle @beeyou @charisma777 @apolymask @lyndsaybowes @hendrix22 @mudcat36 @cryptkeeper17 @terminallyill @markkennard @bashadow @kismet2018 @simplymike @abh12345 @goldendawne @coolguy123
I am unbelievably saddened by this news Dave.
Daz, if you read this, please know that you and your daughter are in my heart and I wish that I could reach across the continent and help you in some way. There are no words that I can offer that would help ease your pain right now; just please know that I'm here and am hoping for peace and solace for you and your daughter during what must be a truly horrible time.
Of course you will be missed here, but you're true commitment is to your family now. Sending lots of love your way.
wow! That's sad news :0(
So sad, take heart @deliberator, it is well.
Shocked and saddened by this news.
appreciate the post. At a time when various winds seem to be pushing through the community of Steemit, causing unease and stress, it is good to realize that indeed, we are a community, and that we grow to love and care about each other. I mean, after all, what is more important? So, even though I do not know your friend I shall cast a prayer out on the winds and hope it reaches his heart.
I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences to the family. :(
Saddening to hear the news @deliberator, first things first, take care of business closest to you sir. Family life community sir, you seem to be all about those and our best wishes and heavy hearts go out you and your family. Thanks for passing on the info dmccoy, very sorry to hear this about a fellow community stalwart that has done so much on here for so many.
Hi sir@davemccoy, i did'nt know your friend,but im with his families sadness..let my prayer be with him ..Amen!!
Please forward my condolences to him and his family. If there is anything I can do please let me know and I will try to help.
I just heard this news from bashadow, not sure why I never received a notification, but if there is anything I can do to help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask! I truly hope @deliberator is doing ok in this awful time. Prayers and positivity going out to him and his daughter! Thank you @davemccoy for keeping us informed!
Am so sorry about news (this is unbelievable)
I actually visited his blog and participated in his contest review...
And that was either last two weeks or last week... This is so sad.. Am just speechless..
I pray he rest well.. And my condolences to his family...
So so sorry for everything... I really miss him too sir.. His a good friend and a nice man
This is awful news. I can not begin to imagine the pain and sorrow you must be experiencing Daz. For what it's worth you will be in my prayers. If you read this know you're in our thoughts and have our condolences and if there is anything the community can do to help then reach out and let us know.
Sad news, my condolences to his family. One thing I never forget about Daz is, we are at the same date using this platform, life is short nothings permanent in this world Dave...hugs my friend!
My heart and prayers go out to you @deliberator you are such a defining presense on Steemit and you'll be greatly missed but please take all the time you need! 💜💜
It is unfortunate to heard this news. My condolences to him. Will check on his post.
Oh my goodness, my heart hurts for you @deliberator. Im so very sorry for your loss. Just know in these hard times, we are all here. You are in our hearts, our minds and our prayers. I cant imagine the pain you are feeling but I pray for guidance, stength and understanding for you and your beautiful daughter. Lots of love and hugs sent your way during these hard times. We will miss you while youre gone but please take all the time you need. Much love, buddy!
My deepest condolences to him, it's never easy to loose someone they love.
Sending love and lights to you.
Thanks for directing me to your post via discord, @davemccoy. I was wondering what had happened to @deliberator as he was suddenly so quiet. He helps and encourages me as much as you do. I'm really sad he has to experience this loss, and grateful that through this group he has so much support. My apologies for not seeing your post earlier, I have spent the weekend moving and clearing out junk so even less time than usual. Thanks for caring, and at least I managed to express condolences on Darren's own post. Praying for strength and peace for him. Have a good week.
I am so sorry to hear about this. His family and friends will be in my thoughts and prayers.