Why are some days great, while with others everything just seems to go wrong?
I have been struggling to understand what makes something a good or bad day so easily.
I have come to a few conclusions which means that I have found room for improvement.
I have always wondered why something so insignificant - like someone canceling plans - impact the rest of my day so greatly.
How do we make each day our own?
What must you find in each day to make it the best?
Change the world to be yours.
Let me explain. I recently started a new job where I have to make phone appointments with people and on Saturday 2 out of my three appointments canceled on me which felt like a tragedy. Why can someone's actions impact me so greatly?
Maybe because I trust people too much?
I have always wanted to fit in, it has always been hard to know that you are on the outside of the main crowd.
Now that high school is coming to a close, I have realized how much none of it matters, at all.
The people that I have grown up with all soon be gone. Yet, somehow that does not make me as upset as it should. In fact, I am excited to get away, to find more people who value the same things I do. I never thought the day of graduation would be this close.
I have realized that the only person who is there for you always is yourself.
Everyone comes and goes out of your life for one reason or another.
I always thought my best friends would be forever but over the years I have realized how much we have changed. It was just not fun anymore.
but why?
I have come to the conclusion that every person you meet in your life is here for a reason.
In these situations, both parties gain something from the experience and interaction. Sometimes you can figure out the reason for why it happened afterward, but many times it is very unclear for a long time.
In the short run everything has a positive or a negative, but over time everything evens out to a happy medium where most can become content and appreciative of every event that has ever crossed their path.
Check Out Some Of my Other Work Below:
Enjoy What you HAVE
Dress on a BUDGET
Chill Out OUtfit
Revamp Your Old Shoes
The Three Stages of LOVE you MUST KNOW
I love my Macro Photogrpahy
My Little Brother Best Friend PHOTO
On a Mountain in the Snow PHOTO
High Contrast B&W photo, MY OBSESSION PHOTO
World of Photography Beta V1.0
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Don't worry. Have you chosen to go on to college? I would HIGHLY suggest it--IF you wanna go and only if. There you will be sure to meet, like you are anticipating--many many different cool and smart and (maybe even especially) "like minded" people. And it'll be fun as shit. (And hard as hell, or it should be at least :)) And it'll probably cost you a bunch of money in debt. And--depending on your major--you probably won't find a job "in your field," and you'll have to end up blogging on steemit, with a bunch of other cool people, for spare change. So I guess you might as well just do as you are.
wow, you are genius! I totally wanna blog through college, it could seriously take me anywhere and yeah I am going to college, its 30,000 people I think so that's exciting haha
helo @,v3r. I 've just followed you, I like the way your brain storming. it seem so simple but it has deepest meaning about life. remember my self living as zone polyticon, where serving our selves as a"must", and serving others as a"have to".
keep stand full spirit with all positive think. humble to give without wanting to get. all your sacrefice will gain goodnes to yourself.
hopefully you will have succed in every moment. have a beautiful day.. regard. rikaz.
Aweee thank you! that is so inspirational and I like the part about must and have! that is so enlightening
you are welcome v3r.
Very nice, you are going to be good @v3r!
Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday's top 10 posts for the day! ...
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This is so awesome! As a newbie can I also help people out or should I wait?
Incredible picture, wow landscape like this in the fall, very very cool. Keep up the amazing work everywhere you are at!
Thank you!
@v3r, I absolutely love this shot ... I Upvoted. Think I will Resteem too!
I have a "thing" for reflections and this one is exquisite! The colors are vibrant, the landscape twice - actual and reflected... just beautiful!
As for your words about your life's journey, they made me smile. It was full of the questions of youth! I am thrilled you are "a seeker"! You are challenging yourself to see other perspectives and make good choices. The awareness that there are no such things as "failures" just "lessons" helps us give mercy to ourselves and others! Also remember how people are, is NOT about you! They are how they are! If you stopped being, they will still be how they are! So do not take it personally! Same works for us! Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts here!
Aweee you are so sweet! Thank you for your encouraging words, you just made my day :) @ kismet2018
Beautiful shot! Reminds me of Peter Liks!