in #news7 years ago

10 Palasik

Palasik according to story, legend or belief of Minangkabau people is a kind of supernatural being. According to the belief of Minangkabau palasik is not a ghost but a man who has a high level of black magic. Palasik is very feared by mothers in Minangkabau who have toddlers because the food palasik is a baby / toddler, whether still in the womb or the dead (buried), depending on the type palasik it.

The science of palasik is believed to be hereditary. If his parents are a Palasik then his son would be a palasik.
Generally palasik works by taking its head off. There is a body that runs to find food and some are his head is hovering foraging.

9 Kuyang


Kuyang is a tangible human head with body contents attached without skin and limbs that can fly to look for baby blood. These creatures are known to the people of Borneo. Kuyang is actually a human (woman) who demands the teachings of black magic to achieve eternal life. In the daytime, a person would take daily life as an ordinary person, but usually he wears a cloak. At night I will fly to look for baby blood or birth blood to be sucked as a means of increasing the strength of his knowledge. People who see a flying bird usually see it like a big bird. To deal with the victim need to use a palm fiber broom or punching household furniture such as pots or pans.

8 Rangda


Rangda is the queen of leaks in Balinese mythology. This frightening creature is told to often kidnap and eat small children and lead evil witches against Barong, which is a symbol of good power. It is narrated that Rangda probably came from the queen of Manendradatta who lived on the island of Java in the 11th century. He was exiled by the king of Dharmodayana for allegedly committing the act of magic against the consort of the two kings. According to legend he took revenge by killing half the kingdom, which later became his property and belonged to the son of Dharmodayana, Erlangga. Then he was replaced by a wise man. The name Rangda means also widow. Rangda is very important for Balinese mythology. His battle against Barong or against Erlangga is often featured in dances. This dance is very popular and is an important heritage in the Balinese tradition. Rangda is described as a woman with long hair that is disheveled and has long nails. His face is scary and has sharp teeth.

  1. Leak
    In Balinese mythology, Leak is a wicked wizard. Le means witch and ak means evil. Leak can only be seen at night by the leak hunters. In the daytime he looks like an ordinary man, while at night he is in the cemetery to look for the organs in the human body that he uses to make the magic potion. The magic potion can turn the leak form into a tiger, a monkey, a pig or be like Rangda. If necessary he can also take organs from living people.

  2. Wewe Gombel

Wewe Gombel is a term in Javanese tradition which means evil spirits or ghosts who like to steal children, but do not harm them. It is said that children who are stolen are usually children who are neglected and ignored by their parents. Wewe Gombel will usually frighten the child's parents over his attitude and treatment to his child until they are conscious. when they are aware, Wewe Gombel will return the child.

According to the story, Wewe Gombel is the spirit of a woman who died of suicide because pursued by the community for killing her husband. The incident happened after the husband of the woman was having an affair with another woman. The husband did that because his wife could not give the child he really wanted. Finally he was shunned and hated by her husband and then excommunicated until it became mad and trash.

called Wewe gombel because this incident occurred in Gombel area, Semarang. If we drive from the direction of jatingaleh toward banyumanik, it will be seen ex-star beer advertisement. That's where the location of wewe gombel is located. Some people mention that the location is the location of the ghost kingdom. According to the same story, it causes a hotel located inside a hilltop location to become bankrupt

  1. Genderuwo


Genderuwo is a kind of genie or a spirited creature of human-like monkeys who are big and muscular with a reddish black color, his body covered with thick hair growing all over his body. Genderuwo is especially well known in the community on the island of Java (the Sundanese call it "gandaruwo" and the Javanese call it "gendruwo"). Habitat of his favorite dwellings is a watery stone, old buildings, big shady trees or damp and dark corners. The domicile center of this creature is believed to be in Teak Forest Donoloyo, Sloghimo Subdistrict, about 60 km east of Wonogiri, and in Lemah Putih, Purwosari, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo area about 60 km to the west of Yogyakarta.

  1. Pocong


Pocongkkkk's portrayals vary. It is said, pocongkkkk has a green faceless face with an empty eye. Another depiction states, pocongkkkkkkkkkk is flat-faced and has a hollow or cotton-covered hollow eye with a pale white face. Those who believe in the existence of these ghosts assume, pocongkkkk is a form of protest from the dead who forgot to open his shroud bond before his tomb closed. Although pocongkkkk in films are often described as jumping around, myths about pocongkkkk even declare pocongkkkk moving hovering. This is understandable, because in the cast films pocongkkkk can not move his legs so that the walk must jump. The belief in the existence of ghost pocongkkkkk only developed in Indonesia, especially in Java and Sumatra. Although its portrayal follows the Muslim tradition, other believers can also recognize the existence of this ghost.

  1. Tuyul


Tuyul (Javanese: thuyul) in Nusantara mythology, especially in Java Island, is a subtle creature of a small child or a dwarf with a shaved head. Other depictions that everyone does not agree on are silvery, sociable (in the sense of community and leader), and sound like chicks. Tuyul can be employed by a human employer for some reason, especially stealing (money). To ward off tuyul, people put yuyu in some corners of the house because tuyul is believed to like yuyu so he forgets the duty charged by the owner. Tuyul incidence is believed to originate from the fetus of a miscarriage or a baby who died at birth. Because it comes from babies, tuyul characters are also like children: playful (as people report seeing tuyul playing at midnight, etc.).

  1. Sundel Bolong


Sundel hole in Indonesian ghost myth is depicted with long-haired woman and long dress in white. Pictured also there is a form of holes in the back of a little closed long hair so that the abdominal organs are visible. Dimitoskan ghost sundel bolong died from being raped and gave birth to his son from the grave. Usually bolong sundel is also told likes to take babies who have just been born

  1. Kuntilanak


kuntilanak figure depicted in the form of beautiful women. Kuntilanak is portrayed as delighting to terrorize the villagers for retaliation. Kuntilanak when appearing always accompanied by fragrant frangipani flowers. It is said that men who are not careful can be killed after kuntilanak changed into a form of blood sucking. Kuntilanak also enjoys eating babies and injuring pregnant women. In horror stories and horror films on Malaysian television, kuntilanak is depicted to kill prey by sucking blood at the nape of the nape, like a vampire. Unlike the Malay tradition, kuntilanak according to the Sundanese tradition has no hole in the back and only disturbs the appearance. The type that has a hole in the back as described above is called a bolong sundel. Kuntilanak is said to also like a certain tree as a place to "reside".