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RE: Putin’s lies grows desperate to the point of comedy

in #news2 years ago

I suggest you read this excellent analysis to understand Putin's plan.

Short summary.
Putin hoped his early initial successes in destroying most of Ukraine's major weapons systems, penetrating deep into Ukraine and surrounding its cities and military would force an early surrender (as any sane and responsible Ukranian leader would have done).

This has not happened. Zelensky has convinced some Ukrainians to fight to the death, and die they will. Zelensky has tried to drag the West into the conflict and start WWIII. He may or may not succeed.

Now Putin is proceeding with plan B which is to crush all resistance (like he did in Chechnya and Syria). It will not be pretty. I estimate that Ukraine will suffer 200,000+ military casualties and perhaps half that number civilian.

In a few months time Ukraine will be subdued and will cease to exist as a nation state and Russia's military capability will be enhanced by large numbers of soldiers becoming hardened veterans, having learnt everything the West can throw at them and gaining much needed strategic depth.

Things are really bad on a military level for NATO and the media is deceiving you by feeding you the line that the Russian military is performing poorly. It is performing far better than it did in WWII and they still crushed the Nazis.

NATO should stop wasting its limited resources on Ukraine and start reinforcing the shit out of Poland and the Baltics. Vague promises re increased defence spending won't cut it. NATO needs 2000 more tanks in Europe ASAP!

At the moment the balance of forces is very bad from NATO's perspective. They don't have a single deployable armoured division (Russia has at least 6 in action in Ukraine) and no experience in high intensity warfare.