Beans & Rice

in #news4 years ago

News out of China talks about a novel corona-virus
I turn it off and chat with people online
News out of China says 780 million people on lock-down

I buy bulk beans and rice
A friend makes fun of me

I wear a mask
A stranger makes fun of me

I stop wearing the mask
But don't want to go outside now

I take some time off
For 14 days I self quarantine
Still have rice and beans
I walk out my door
Stopped by a man in plastic
He tells me my neighbor is dead

Can I quarantine myself for 14 days? he asks
He tests me there
His goggles fog, as he takes down my name
He tells me he'll get back to me

I go back in my apartment

The boss calls
tells me
"No more work..."
I hear a loud sneeze on the other end
I hear heavy breathing
His lungs sound wet
He coughs and snorts
"No problem boss...get well."
"I still got rice and beans."
I tell em before I hang up

I wash my phone
I wash my hands
I wash my hands
I wash my hands
I wash the floors

I eat beans and rice

I watch You-Tube
News says - It's not a pandemic
News says - The president thinks it's a hoax played by the dems
News says - The risk is low
News says - Masks won't help you
News says - No need to panic, it's not in this area
News says - That flights are still happening
News says - The 7th cruise ship infected and no ports open

Switch to something else on You-tube
I realize I touched my face the whole time
Try not to think about it
Grab hand sanitizer
Disinfect my hands
Touch mouse
Stops to disinfect mouse and keyboard
I disinfect my hands again

Next You-Tube clip:
A lady is punching someone
Two ladies are buying all the toilet paper in the store
She just wants one pack out of the seven in her cart
The older lady puts herself as a shield between her and the 2-ply

I eat beans and rice
I have been quarantined another 14 days
My bank accounts empty

I look for online work
but nobody has money
nobody is spending money
nobody is sending money
no money
I go look for work
The office I enter is empty
The guy interviewing me said the last guy just...
Stopped showing up
He tells me he will get back to me
I walk back home
I get a call from the doctor

Test came back

I test positive

The nurse asks about all the people I have come in contact with
They tell me to self quarantine for 14 days

On my walk home
I see someone looting a store
I see a girl crying
I see a man looking out a window
I hear a dog howling in an abandoned house
I hear a cat howling in a an empty house
I hear my stomach howling at me
I go inside my apartment
I eat beans and rice

My stomach feels strange
I am in a daze
I am all out of toilet paper
I feel too tired to get some
I know I am too broke to buy it
I shouldn't leave my house
I call my dad
He doesn't pick up
His girlfriend got it last month
He waits at the hospital for her
I leave a message
I eat beans and rice
I cry

I watch the news
The news says - Another 5 deaths in town today
The news says - It's the guy that interviewed me earlier
I remember him shaking my hand
I remember him touching his face
I remember sneezing
I remember coughing
I remember..
I turn off the TV
I sit in silence

I decide to go to bed
I get a notification on my phone
Too many bills are due
Can't pay Visa
Can't pay the phone bill
Can't pay Netflix
Can't pay rent
Can't pay
I put the phone down
I fall asleep
The power goes out
My phone dies
I am feeling sick
I hear a knock
I don't answer it
I feel afraid and stressed
Can't eat beans and rice
I drink water
I drink water
I drink water
I cough
I cough
I cough
I feel hot
I am confused
My breathing is heavy
My heart palpitates
I am breathing in the dark
I am panting in the dark
I shake the sheets off
I am cold
I drag the sheets back on
I am hot
I try to eat beans and rice
But my throat is soar
I cough and I choke it down
I go back to bed
At least I have beans and rice
I fall asleep
I fall asleep
I fall asleep
I have self quarantined for 14 days
I am weak
I can't call for help

I go to my kitchen
While I was sleeping someone broke in
and took
AND took all my beans and rice
They left a note
It was a note from my friend
Who I told about the rice and beans
Sorry he says
He has a family to think about

He says
Sorry about the beans and rice

I sit on the floor of my empty kitchen
I hear a toddler wailing
Her cries carry over the field near my complex
Out my window I can see a mass grave
Out my window I see large smoke clouds rise into the sky
Out my window I see buildings burning
Out my window I watch bodies being dumped
Out my window I watch people fighting each-other
Out my window I watch the rain
Out my window I watch shooting stars
Out my window I watch clouds roll by
Out my window I watch birds in the sky
Out my window...I am bored
I am bored
I am sick and bored
I am sick and hungry
I am hungry
I am hungry
I am hungry

I am sad
No more beans and rice
No more toilet paper


Wow. Hope you are doing well. We all miss your magic on here Xo

Girl! Post here on Hive. I've missed your stuff and randomly saw you on the old chain....come to the good side. I'd be happy to support you over here :)