Telegram will launch its own Blockchain platform and crypto currency. The new platform will contain either the "The Open Networ " or the "Telegram Open Network" (TON) in the name and should be based on the improved version of the blocking technology.
Initial reports about the new platform surfaced today from Anton Rosenberg, a former employee of the publishing division Telegraph, which belongs to Telegram. Rosenberg published in Facebook, an advertisement video for the new platform (he did not disclose the source of the video).
He also noted that TON will be developed in accordance with Durov's goal of providing assistance to those who are threatened by the government. Now users can use their funds directly in the messenger. This can serve as a violation of state control over the money of citizens, Rosenberg added.
Cointelegraph has learned that the TON currency will be called "Gram", and the platform will be integrated with many of the most popular messaging applications (the exact list is not yet defined). The platform will use light wallets, which makes it unnecessary for users to load a large and bulky block.
According to Bloomberg, the TON platform will also not have to go through a multi-year boot period, like most new platforms, since the Telegram application already has 180 million users.
Telegram is already very popular among the blockbuster community.
Durov says:
"Right now, all the blocking and crypto-currency community just switched to Telegram."
While Pavel Durov did not make any official statements. So far, it has not been officially confirmed that the creation of TON is compatible with the earlier Bloomberg article, which said:
Durov sees Telegram as a charitable organization, which he will begin to monetize not earlier than the beginning of next year.
Mark Zuckerberg from Russia
Mysterious Pavel Durov teamed up with his brother to launch Telegram in 2013. The application boasts end-to-end encryption, which makes it extremely useful for dissidents and ordinary citizens who want to stay out of government control. In fact, according to Bloomberg, 40% of Internet traffic in Iran passes through Telegram. The Iranian government was so upset by the privacy of the application that they accused Durov of terrorism in absentia.
Durov is not worried; he used to argue with national governments. He and his brother connected the largest social network in Russia, VC, by building a company worth more than $ 3 billion. In contact with in fact it was similar to Facebook, but while Zuckerberg was able to maintain control (and a massive share of ownership), Durov was not. When he refused to transfer personal information to users of the Russian authorities, he was forced to sell his stake in the company to one of Putin's allies. Thus, although Zuckerberg had the opportunity to conduct an IPO, Durov uses the ICO to monetize his offspring.
After leaving VKontakte, Durov left Russia forever, taking with him about 300 million dollars and 2,000 batkoins. He used his savings in Saint Kitts and Nevis, investing enough in the Caribbean country to become a citizen. However, he spends most of his time in Dubai.
Durov insists that Telegram is not sold under any circumstances, because the confidentiality of their users is too valuable:
"Even for 20 billion dollars it is not for sale. This is a lifetime warranty."
Great new and isn't it good for commumity too. Imagine future with blockchain technology.