Why the Moon Landings were Fake, Part 4 of 13.

in #news5 years ago

The press conference afterwards.

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Now if you've not seen the film 'Capricorn One' made in around 1977, it's definitely worth watching, to understand the mood of the astronots who had just returned from the most breath-taking, death-defying, daredevil, exhilarating achievement anyone in the history of mankind had ever done.

See, what the film depicts is 3 astronots who are told in no uncertain terms that they won't be going on any mission 'to mars' that the world is waiting for, but they will be expected to film a staged landing. When they refuse to go along with it and try to escape they are rounded up and see that there is no way out for them, if they want to live.

Now check out the attitudes of armstrong, aldrin and edwards - body language and vocal intonation - the three men who had supposedly just been where no man had ever been, nor many would ever again. Rather than exhilarated, I would say these three are totally deflated, do not want to be there, do not want to go through with it and at first are expecting most of the journalists to call them out on their fakery.

When they don't. they get into it a little, but as well as listening to their answers (like a detective) notice how they are acting. Clearly covering up for a great big lie. There are always tells.


No excitement from them at all.

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nope. they look scared they're going to be found out at any minute. but they fooled the world, and still continue to do so.

Astronots - I like that!

I've always wondered why so many people fell for such an obvious fake - but hell, they fall for bloody everything the media tells them don't they?