The Future Of The Workplace: Using Facial Recognition To Scan For Smiles

in #news7 years ago

A growing number of employers today are looking to further incorporate the use of artificial intelligence and facial recognition software etc, into the workplace.

Government-sponsored research in China for example, has been looking to have workers wear headgear, equipped with brain-monitoring EEG sensors, to try and assess the moods of employees when they are at work. And now employers in Japan are looking to move in the same direction as well.

One IT company in Japan, E-ComeTrue, is working on facial recognition software that will help employers to scan the faces of their employees as they enter and leave the workplace.

The hope is that by analyzing their smile, that the software will be able to assess how they feel at the beginning and at the end of the day.

It might eventually start making its way into a variety of bars, restaurants, and other service areas, as more employers find some sort of benefit from scanning the faces of their employees.

The technology is ultimately going to measure the smile and assign some smiley face points based on how happy or sad the employee looks.

If they continually scan their face with a frown, they might be approached by management about why they aren't smiling enough. According to the company, they feel that because a smile is demanded from the employee before they clock-in, that it would be ideal to implement in venues such as restaurants and bars.

They aren't the first company either, to try and monitor employees this way. There has been a growing number of employers over the years who have been looking to further incorporate this technology into their business model.

At the moment, it's reported that there are employees having their emotions and faces etc monitored in dozens of different factories and businesses.

Aside from using AI and facial recognition software etc, to try and monitor the employees' emotions or mood, there are also companies now that have started implanting microchips into their employees. Stories about employees receiving their microchips started to surface several years ago, with workers in countries like Sweden volunteering to be part of the project. And now that technology has also made its way to the US, with American companies also now offering microchips to employees.

In the coming years, the workplace around the world might look very different from what we are used to seeing; the more that this sort of technology gets incorporated into the environment and accepted for use as commonplace.



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The future looks pretty creepy!

"I noticed you weren't wearing your 8-10 pieces of flair" 😑

Thankfully, I’ll be retired before this becomes widespread.

Haha I knew this wasn't far away from happening @doitvoluntarily ! Next will be spouses lol "Happy Wife, Happy Life!" Maybe it will the employers to improve the workplace soneveryone leaves with a smile on their faces Lol! upped earlier now resteemed😊😄😇

This is pretty creepy, but the responses from actual people are far more creepy. First let's look at some direct quotes from the article:

"workers wear headgear, equipped with brain-monitoring EEG sensors, to try and assess the moods of employees when they are at work." (employers monitoring the brains/minds and moods of employees)

"The technology is ultimately going to measure the smile and assign some smiley face points based on how happy or sad the employee looks." (Your entire human being full of the intricacies of human experience will be reduced to smiley face points based on how happy or sad you look)

"If they continually scan their face with a frown, they might be approached by management about why they aren't smiling enough... a smile is demanded from the employee before they clock-in" (That's right, a smile is demanded! I wonder how long before people get fired for not smiling enough. No matter what's going on in your life, issues with family, relationship, friends, work, money, none of that matters because your employee demands(!) that you smile bitch!)

"Aside from using AI and facial recognition software etc, to try and monitor the employees' emotions or mood, there are also companies now that have started implanting microchips into their employees." (Yeah that's right, not only will your every movement and facial expression and brain wave activity be monitored but you will also be microchipped like a pet. By your employer. For a job.)

And now let's look at the really scary part, peoples actual responses to this information from this post only:

"Nice information thanks"
"hopefully through science you can get to understand the human being. excellent post dear friend"
"This was great if it could be done"
"The technology is so advanced that I think that if this is going to work we hope and it will be as soon as possible, in order to have better control, it is a good information"
"this information is great we hope and it works as soon as possible"

Aldous Huxley said: “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”

Here is an emoticon for the machines:

Nice information thanks

More than half of my life I worked as a general and the most tedious work is the human resource, we have to be very tactful to relate to people, there are many factors that affect daily.
hopefully through science you can get to understand the human being.
excellent post dear friend / @ doitvoluntarily
I wish you a great day

This was great @doitvoluntarily if it could be done, always providing articles of interest, thanks for sharing
have a nice night friend

The technology is so advanced that I think that if this is going to work we hope and it will be as soon as possible, in order to have better control, it is a good information @doitvoluntarily so it seems great

Amiga I have seen your publications a little and they stop me from a lot of interest what you publish every day, this information is great we hope and it works as soon as possible
happy night @doitvoluntarilt

And here I thought technology couldn't get anymore intrusive. Smh Still, Thanks for the informative post :)

Wow this is why I wrote a post on reasons why we should try to get out of the 9 to 5 grind. Our bosses try so hard to control us. If our faces are scanned there is no longer any more privacy your boss doesnt have to know why your sad as long as you can put on a smile when your serving customers that is all that really matters.

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These kinds of things must be resisted. There's just too much risk of abuse by employers.

I read the articles on the RFID chipping in particular, and it quotes employees being either blasé or excited about it. I wonder if this has anything to do with a different way of thinking of the employer / employee relationship in that country? For example, I can imagine chipping being "okay" if every employee had some say in how it was going to be used, clear indications of what they can do if they don't agree with the direction, etc.

I personally would prefer a wristband. Why embedded it in your skin? I get it from a futurist / biohacker perspective, but unless I was working the R&D dept. of a company or an executive it wouldn't seem safe to me.

One article ends with the quote

"I want to be part of the future," she laughs.

The thing is, we all will be. What future though is up to us.

i'm the 2nd one...:)

saludos desde venezuela,que pase buen dia

Cuando se va a trabajar hay que hacerlo con alegria no como si fuera una obligación, por eso es que nuestro trabajo debe gustarnos demasiado para ir todos los dias con muchas ganas y evitar estas tecnologias en los trabajos @doitvoluntarily


I like this place. I'm inspired to write a post based on this quote.