
So let me get this straight? They are having an Islamic week and they are talking to people in downtown Toronto about Islam. But when a person has a negative view about Islam like Katie Hopkins for example the Muslim's get all defenseless about it. Do they want people to know about Islam or not? Are they the ones yelling at Katie showing us that Islam is a religion of peace? The only calm ones I saw there was that one Muslim guy holding the sign and the Muslim woman holding the Tupperware container of cookies 🍪 and the guy standing beside her. To me they have shown what it means to be polite in Canada. Those other hostile Muslim men has shown me how rude and disrespectful there are towards an older person. I was brought up in a time and era where you respected your elders regardless of their race or gender or their religious beliefs. Those types of Muslim men are the types who would hassle people and probably attack people if they say anything negative about Mohammed or Islam. You would never seen a Christian go on a rampage because someone called Jesus a faggot or a child molester, but say that about Mohammed and all hell breaks loose. Katie Hopkins says she hasn't a problem with the Muslims just the Religion of Islam they followed and the same goes for me too. People can say what ever they want about Christianity and I wouldn't care, because I am not a cry baby. I only have to answer to God and not them. Jesus will sort them out in due time, including these disrespectful Muslim men who acted like children around Katie Hopkins. Peace and love be with you Katie Hopkins, keep up the good work too! And God bless you too! ❤😊👍💒

So glad Katie is exposing the Islamic/Sharia that is growing in Toronto and GTA (especially due to our Islamic loving Crime Minister).

Let me start by saying love you brother. To summarize your 30 minutes in one sentence, individuals have an individual responsibility to make their own path and grow in the soil of this world with the spirit of their higher power feeding them. Rock on Cernovitch.

very courageous. keep up the freedom of speech work. one perspective is, is if this is the „religion if peace“ why then is there always a rush to do violence to protect any slight and why do the professing cookie-givers not condemn the viloent actors.

This trend will continue though. And anyone who is labelled as disagreeing will probably face attacks. Just more signs of things to come,,, if you even question out comes the hostility right away

The polarizing war between Ben and Alex is more surreal than Alex and Cenk.

Muslims in the west have a very strange demeanor. They're trying to put a rose colored shield over their true colors... we see it. Deus VULT.

Shapiro's reluctance to have Kanye on info Wars makes me wonder if he doesn't have ulterior motives. One thing I've learned is that the globalists have many sleeper cells in our community. It's not just the self destructive left we have to be weary about.

You see the reaction she received when asking questions , wait t'ill their are more Muslims in Canada . Then we will start to see their true colors

Well isn't that special. Toronto is just crawling with the filth of islam. I'm starting to miss the old Canada.

Hold on a minute. In Britain they say these people are 'British' in Canada they are 'Canadian' in the US they are 'American' in France they are 'French' yet they all act the same without adopting any part of the host countries values or identity. Maybe just maybe they don't want to integrate and do in fact want to take over!

It's a waste of time having a conversation with them, the reality is they all believe sharia is passed down from God and they all believe it's the perfect way to live. So its a waiting game based on demographics. .. its a reality that people need to wake up to.

They live in the west but will not accept criticism of their religion, this is a clash of cultures. Highly concerning.

You asked about sharia law... I am christian should i freak out if asked about 10 commandments....Build your home on the stone and you can easily weather a question.. build it on sand and be thrown into turmoil when any rain or gust of wind comes... why would they not stand up against that madman and say, leave her alone she is just asking us about Islam?

It seems that there is often hostility when people ask questions about Islam. They behave this way yet they claim that they are misunderstood. How do they expect to prevent islamophobia when they refuse to have a civil conversation with people and lash out. Not a good look.

U can put a cross in a jar of urine and be celebrated as a creative artist and forward thinker; but if you so much question why mohamed practiced pedophilia and slaughtered infidels, the left will make sure your reputation will be destroyed.