Cameron taking final Cabinet meeting as PM

in #news8 years ago

David Cameron is chairing his final Cabinet meeting today after the quicker than anticipated move to get Theresa May installed as the new British Prime Minister.

A nine-week leadership contest was expected to determine the next PM. After Theresa May's opposition (Mrs Leadsom) withdrew yesterday everything moved along at a rocket pace and we expect Cameron to resign later today.

Theresa May will only be the second British female Prime Minister and was, for many, the right choice to lead the UK forward post the Brexit referendum.

She faces a difficult first few months in office as the UK appears to be in turmoil. Currency markets are turbulent but the FTSE seems to be making ground after initial falls.

The main areas May needs to focus on will be immigration and striking business deals with our EU counterparts.

She is expected to announce her own ministerial lineup in the coming days and is rumoured to be opting for a "steady as she goes" approach.

Britain's only other female PM, Margaret Thatcher, revolutionised the country by breaking the hold of the trade unions over the work force. Some areas of the country never recovered from the enforced changes she made.

What Theresa May brings to the table remains to be seen but what is certain is a new era of post-EU politics is about to start.