You have your email leaks, now South Africa has theirs.

in #news7 years ago

As you may be aware the South African president is under increasing scrutiny and pressure to resign due to allegations of involvement in state capture by an influential family of businessmen, labeled "the Guptas".

img source

Last week-end a couple of emails emerged in the press, alleged as Gupta originals, that have leaked to the press.

These demonstrate very close ties to the Presidents family, some Cabinet Ministers and the alleged shadow government.

img source

Here is a short video of some of the quotes from the Gupta emails.

It now appears that the trove of leaked emails is in the region of 100 000 to 200 000...

and will be released to journalists once secured offshore.

"Today Scorpio, the Daily Maverick’s newly launched investigative unit, and amaBhungane, the independent investigative non-profit, start publishing stories from a much, much wider trove: a few hundred gigabytes of information containing between 100 000 and 200 000 unique e-mails and a host of other documents,"

So far there are supposedly letters to the UAE royal family requesting residency for when the President finishes his term of office. The heat is getting so unbearable that these plans would appear to be for a back door escape route should things go amiss.

In the emails, so far, are also correspondence to a PR firm to run a fake news campaign to discredit detractors.

It really is a huge unfolding of a long drawn out saga and now documented evidence to allegations appears to have been leaked.

You can catch all the juicy details of government corruption, fake news, international meddling, ruling party manipulation, cronyism and the like, as it unfolds in this special report.

But the long and the short of it seems to be, "don't mess with the guys in IT".

I would suspect that this was not a hacking but some internal IT person leaked the email servers contents. If you are up to funny business you should always keep the IT guys and gals happy as a top priority.


Yip...give him enough rope..he will hang himself. Ha ha...want to see him survive in Dubai. Sad that we don't have ANY respect for that!

It really is sad. Mandela must be doing cartwheels in his grave.

So true... @giantbear!

I doubt that, as Mandela had his own little problems...

Don't we all, but the key is they are little, by comparison.

Hi gavvet it is so sad that he is taking our wonderful country down , Mandela tried his best to build it up I hope we will soon find a way out of our problems. We have a wondreful country with so much potential!!


Jacob Zuma is not worth being called a president. One thing he succeeded in was to turn his own people against him. He has always been a copy cat so now he really copied something great from the Americans. Might be the best way to get rid of him. Let him go and rot in Dubai forever.

What is really going on? it seems stringent measures should be adopted to checkmate certain powers. Even the excuse of immunity is turning out to be problematic. Impeach and jail him

Wow, what a crazy amount of leaked emails! What do you think about it, @gavvet?

lots of reading for sure...

Yeah.. By the way, I have just followed you, @gavvet. I found your blog very informative and worth reading! You are more than welcomed to check out mine as well ;)

it needs to be reviewed, and by this I mean by proper reviewers who have some experience with document review. I don't know who the source are here, but WikiLeaks certainly do have that sort of staff and are doing an excellent job at things like that.

nice....your post deserve upvote and resteem....

The news is highly updated

Thank you for sharing information

Emails are safe- its a myth man

Long drawn out battles taking place. Will give us something to write about every day!!

Be my guest... plenty material there.

Email is never been safe even before..

Yup, this was not a smart move, but that is how confident they were that they had everything sewn up in the bag

Just like in the 80´s - 90´s... Having a happy secretary was a must in order to have the office running perfectly because if she/he wanted to screw your business, it could happen in the blink of an eye. Nowadays it is the same with your IT guy/girl.

For sure

It is unfortunate my friend to hear about the corruption of state officials
thank you my friend

But the long and the short of it seems to be, "don't mess with the guys in IT".
Not just the IT guys, but everyone who has acces to some of your private information.
Thanks for sharing @gavvet.

That spin on keeping IT people happy is kind of tongue and cheek humor, isn't it? Who's to say if it wasn't an attack on conscience. I want to set the GNU program grep to work on this data searching

egrep 'pizza|hotdog|cheese' huge-email-folder/*

My husband just read this story with me before he left for work and agreed with you because he works in IT. He said it was prob. most def. and internal IT leak. and agreed with what you said "should always keep the IT guys and gals happy as a top priority" great post.

jeeeeesus, I knew South Africa turned into a shithole, but... y'know it's bad when he's trying to flee to the Middle East after his reign ends!

Thanks for sharing!

Yea, Yea! Keep IT happy. That is my motto too :)
You do realise that we in South Africa is on knife's edge. When Mugabe was in the same position after 20 years peaceful rule, he started to take off the farms and rig the elections. This man might also get nasty.

Thankfully this is not Zimbabwe... A little more diverse in many ways and a stronger judiciary.

Yeah, pity the NEC was too chicken to get rid of the Gupta puppet!!

To many of them swilling at the same trough.

Very true, i once worked in a Radio Station IT dept/server room. My direct boss is corrupt as fuck and very stingy to others but not me, he always try to keep me smiling and motivated😊

So you are part of the corruption problem then? ;)

I was, and i was ashamed of myself afterwards.
I got to know much later when my internship finished how the man makes money from ridicoulous amounts he quotes to refurbish the studio gadgets and maintaining them.He called me back a year later to apply for a full time so i could continue working with him but i never did. My concisence couldn't allow me even though i was deperately looking for a job then.

I was only pulling your leg... but great to hear of your decisions, we all get some toughies in life.

LOL!....i know, Nigeria is as fucked as SA, even more than SA!

If you are up to funny business you should always keep the IT guys and gals happy as a top priority.

Great quote! Otherwise it will come back and bite you in the long run!

About time for him to go. He seems to survive every attempt to impeach him, but you can fool some people some time, but not all the people all the time. He ruined a beautiful country.

Same as our past president in Nigeria crippled our economy and deforemed Nigerians with abject inflation and poverty.

"If you are up to funny business you should always keep the IT guys and gals happy as a top priority."

Haha so funny yet so true!

I've encountered IT revenge incidents many times

I thought that these problems only had Argentina, thank you very much for sharing this information dear friend @gavve
have a beautiful day

corruption is a universal problem

Is true but I do not think there is a country more corrupt than Argentina, here corruption is the order of the day.

@Gavvet thanks for sharing. I am also from South Africa I saw the story on the news latetly and its really shocking how our President has turned our county into a circus... came across this hilarious video:

looks looks its going to be a best seller, just for novelty value

Hahaaa 😂. Definately a best seller

Got to agree with you there!


I would suspect that this was not a hacking but some internal IT person leaked the email servers contents. If you are up to funny business you should always keep the IT guys and gals happy as a top priority.

Ahaha! That's totally true. He/she can also be a valuable help if he/she is a good friend.

More seriously, I hope you guys we manage to improve this political situation soon or later (no matter if the leak contributes to it or not). Fingers crossed!

The market seems to think we will, our currency keeps strengthening.

yep, the odds are in your favor. But those days, I prefer not to count too much on the odds...

Jacob Zuma is just a big waste. My God! But atleast U have a president. We nigerians haven't seen ours in what seems like months now

Interesting information @gavvet... thank you for sharing ! You write good posts!

I've seen you do very good post congratulations, follow me and help me please

Usually internal data is something that people do not worry about as much, they spend most of the time keeping hackers out. The truth of the matter is that data is often not as secure as it should be within a company. It may even be open to other employees with limited IT skills and a thumb drive.