UPDATE: YouTube CONFIRMS They Will NOT Reinstate WAM! - The PURGE Continues!

in #news4 years ago


update youtube confirms they will not reinstate wam thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the continued suspension of the World Alternative Media channel on YouTube, with 155,000 subscribers. The channel remains deleted with two appeals being returned by robotic messages with no substance.

We ask people to continue putting pressure on Team YouTube on Twitter and continue to demand the free spread of free information online. Suppressing the press is an absolutely horrific attack on the individual choices of the people. It's not only nannying and hand holding but it's monopolizing information, controlling information and using it to divide and conquer people. It is a travesty what we're witnessing and if we don't stand up we shall forever hold our peace and watch the ship go down.

At the rate we're going, in a matter of a few years we will be getting put in cages for disagreeing with the official narratives.

In this video, we give an update on the appeal process, the potential pending lawsuit and where people can continue to find our videos.

They're deleting history! They've deleted documentaries of ours from on the ground in Africa in places no one has ever been. In the middle east on the ground near the Syrian border reporting on ancient sites that have never been properly documented that change textbooks. Our travels have literally been the subject of upcoming National Geographic television shows and now the show will air and people will look for the information and YouTube will have deleted it. It's sickening and an absolutely disgusting level of censorship that must be combated IMMEDIATELY.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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