
We live in a Kleptocracy. Everything is designed to steal from those at the bottom and pass up the chain to those above. This is the essence of 'civilisation'. The only solution ( and one we will probably be forced to adopt) is a return to living in harmony with the planet in a reciprocal relationship. Basically hunters and gatherers living in tribes.

How is it stealing if there is more created for you?
How much do you 'return to the planet'?

Your first comment does not make sense.
As Derek Jensen notes we need to live in harmony with the planet instead of raping it for its natural resources.

"Everything is designed to steal from those at the bottom and pass up the chain to those above."
As you stated it is being stolen from you, unless you are 'above'.

You never answered my second.

and C.
How are you raping the planet... no, nevermind don't tell me.
I'm not into that mess.

It's basically a pyramid scheme - the land itself is at the bottom followed by animals. Our society is admittedly complex but there are most definitely hierarchies, and I would say I was nearer the top then the bottom given the access I have to computers and the internet for example. I often feel there is little I can do in the face of the Juggernaut that is civilization. I have been to anti-fracking demos, don't drop litter, am kind to animals, recycle, try to be conscious of the impact my life has on the planet. Not enough, I know. Perhaps it would be a good start if we gave, say, all our rivers, the same rights as corporations?

rivers don't care though. they will be consumed by us or animals then, it will be wasted, then evaporated and dropped on someone else or something else. It has happened way before we got here and will continue without us. Think of it will all this fake 'global warming' your rivers will be fuller. So whats the problem?

How do you know rivers don't care?

The problem is not just the system we live in, it is who controls it. No matter what type of system you have or create, the same manipulators have risen to the top. The ruling classes would welcome any system, as long as they continue to influence and run the institutions behind them. The way forward may be in the sharing and voluntary models that have been created like steemit and other platforms. To be honest though i'm just a random idiot, who has no solutions. Sorry Lee:)

Exactly. The common feature between our problems in capitalism and the brutal communist or socialist regimes we've seen through history are that the rulers of the system bend it to their benefit. Capitalism, socialism, communism, anything you call it, as long as psychopaths are able to force their will upon the masses, we're gonna have a bad time.

Are psychopaths forcing their will upon you?
How bad of a time are you having?

I see a lot of similarities between communism (the real world kind) and corporatism (the out-of-control kind), the main one being obscene wealth inequality.


There is no country on the planet that is 100% capitalist or 100% socialist. They're blends. What I see as the biggest problem of the United States economy is corporate monopoly, like (as you pointed out) the ironically named Amazon. It's a problem we've seen over and over throughout our history. Corporate monopolies create oligarchs who control our government in order to serve their own interests. I think we need a Constitutional amendment that prohibits monopolistic behavior by corporations, but that would be hard, considering our politicians are bought and paid for.

Why are governments in place?
A "Constitutional amendment" is not what would be needed.
That is not what the constitution is about.
Have you read it?

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

How is it not working?
Are you not healthy?
Are you not Alive?
Are you not a slave?