You want the truth?…you can’t handle the truth!!
When Alex Lasarev took his comedy/truth telling routine to the streets of Vancouver there was one cyclist who couldn’t handle it…the man became irate, aggressive and violent as he used his bike as a weapon smashing out the van window that Alex was sitting beside.
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Alex The Comic about this assault, what’s the psychology behind it and how something like this can even happen in the first place!
WATCH ON ODYSEE ➜ https://odysee.com/@PressForTruth:4/Alex-The-Comic-Assaulted:d?r=C457cfbK5297LafoLDGTsCVsJMC4Ykjx
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Powerful episode! Those downvotes signal too much truth for the New Normies to handle.
I think it is because Dan isn't actually on Hive, and just drops links to other platforms. Not because of the content, but rather 'lack of'.. It is just bot posts.
Dan is actually on Hive, but he does post his content in multiple places to avoid the ongoing censorship. A few months back I helped him get his account figured out post-fork.
Why am I getting downvoted so much this is brutal??
It's been explained to countless times.
I think that it is because many users don't feel you are active on here. It is important that you participate in more of the curation and discussion here on Hive. Reply to comments and vote on new /Created posts. Your voting power is at 100% which means you haven't voted on anything in the last 24 hours. We have had to fight for our chain to exist, to not be censored and for decentralization, so users have very strong and varied opinions. I support your right to broadcast and get your messages and content out, but also encourage you to vote on new content and use your influence to support the Hive community more..
Whoever's handling this account should probably get fired. There was another account taking nearly the same approach. Thumbnail, link to video on the outside (it's not hard to upload video here); and of course they're flying under the radar, collecting auto votes. But he changed and is now posting video, and earning, after having the rewards lowered. It's like magic. Who woulda thought you actually had to work for money....
Im handing it, Im a one man show trying my best these downvotes are total bs
Are you still posting links rather than actual content? I haven't been watching lately.
Without the actual instance of content here, what you're doing could be explained as:
You have an apple. You'd like to sell your apple. I come along to purchase your apple. You take my money. You hand me a card that says, "Apple."
You're attempting to monetize content that does not exist here. You're able to place it in at least four other locations but for some strange reason can't place it in a fifth location, but you still want to be paid in the fifth location as well.
You're claiming the word 'Apple' is an actual apple. It's a ripoff.
I hope that makes sense. It should make sense. If it doesn't, please ask questions, so this can be resolved. I don't like seeing anyone struggle. You think the downvotes are B.S. while others think you ripping this place off is B.S. The ball is in your park, where it's been all along.
Im not a bot I post here every day these downvotes are bullshit and are hurting me financially who the F is doing this?
Why are you acting so confused? Why not just own it and go back to making money if it bothers you so much...
Ok well good to know you are actually here. I never saw you comment or reply to me before so figured it might just be a bot post.
As @nonameslefttouse said though, if you put your content on this blockchain too, instead of just pointing us to the other platforms, you'd be supporting this chain too, instead of just taking from its 'reward pool'.
He has turned things around. Now I hope, for his own benefit, he's able to attract outside money to his space here, and set himself up with votes coming from people who truly want to support his work. Current stakeholders are under no obligation to continue supporting anyone or even keeping their tokens powered up, but true fans and supporters are often there to the end. What's so unique to this platform is an independent content creator/journalist/whatever can actually attract investors interested in the brand. I hope this catches on.
Lol tells the guy a dose of magic mushrooms can save him from his conditioning.
Funny to see, I hope this man not wake up :)) he be very mad then to know whats up in world :))