Happy New Year, We're All Fucked Unless We Fight Back

in #news3 years ago (edited)

H.G. Wells wrote a dystopian novel, The Time Machine, in which an inventor traveled far into the future to discover humanity had evolved into two species, the Eloi, child like in their approach to life & the world and the Morlock's, troglodyte monsters that lived underground and were the intelligence & workers of the future who fed on the Eloi.

What seems like a far fetched reality could be closer to becoming our future than we think.

The video below is a recent interview of a woman named Catherine Austin Fitts. Mrs. Fitts is a very accomplished woman if you look at her wiki page. She created a bond plan to upgrade and fix the NY Subway system through user fees, was the first Managing Partner of a 156 year old investment firm and was the Assistant Secretary of HUD under George Bush Senior. You can say she's been around and knows who's who. So when I watched this video I kept that in mind. I was absolutely floored how she tied everything together.

Take 48min to listen or watch and you will understand why everything is happening. Unless we fight back we're fucked.

The video above was taken down by Youtube after 2,000,000 views. Luckily we have alternatives now....



Ya, I used to think all of this stuff was whacky, conspiracy theory shit. Not anymore.

Trump managed to wake up a lot of people in a short period of time. A year ago if people were told to take a new flu vaccine, there would not be too much push back. Now, vaccines is a very polarized topic with a lot more people being suspicious or outright negative.

And it goes way beyond just vaccines:

Agree. Let's hope those embers will turn into raging flames that awaken everyone else.

Just listened to this a few days ago! Vaccines are coming out very fast!

This vaccine is an mRNA vaccine which is very different than past vaccines. I'm not against all vaccines, but this one is different. That video is an eye opener.

All vaccines are bullshit...germ theory is bullshit too, and so is the idea that viruses are contagious.

Keep opening eyes!

A couple of days after my son was born and had his first vaccination he wound up in the ER with a 103 fever. Doctors had to do a spinal tap on him because they couldn't figure out what was fucking wrong. Luckily he pulled through. I know all about vaccines.

Good evening and happy new year @rt395! :-)
Great video, all the puzzle pieces put together in 48 minutes, well told!
So many movies so little time, programing and tell a vision.

Happy New Year Shasta. I hope you and yours will have a great 2021. Just keep the Tell a Vision off the propaganda channels.

Happy New Year \m/

Cheers. Happy New Year to you too!