Spain must face suspension from the EU after ordering police violence on peaceful citizens.

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Madrid have demonstrated today that their historic facist tendencies are not merely consigned to the past, as federal police were ordered to beat-up old ladies, fire-fighters and students in order to quell today's referendum on Catalonian succession from Spain.


Ultimately their efforts were for very little, as 96% of polling stations remained open and packed with Catalans acting on their democratic rights.

It does, however, represent a major shot in the foot for Mariano Rajoy's Spanish government, who enjoyed international backing from the US and the EU, as well as almost unanimously elsewhere across the board. The European Union has very clear rules on the use of police violence from Member States:

Article 7 of the European Union Treaty

"Suspension of any Member State that uses military force on its own population."

So surely Spain must now face suspension from the European Union, or do the rules simply not apply to them because Rajoy is an EU lapdog?

Here are some highlights of police action, mainly from Barcelona:

Police beat-up Catalan fire-fighters.

Police storm polling station and seize ballot boxes.

Young couple forcibly removed from polling station

Police swing batons indiscriminately at crowd.

The Madrid government cannot be allowed to get away with this. They must be made accountable for their assault on democracy, and we must make clear that those who attempt to use brutality in order to bludgeon a peaceful population into submission will always be punished for their crimes.

Stand with Catalonia, just like we stood with Kurdistan!


Spain must face suspension from the EU after ordering police violence on peaceful citizens.

There will be no suspension.

This is exactly how the EU wants to deal with some "independence seekers".

There are two sets of rules: one of the little people, and another for the politicos, banksters and enablers of the state. Catalans need to fight now, there's just no other way.

Sadly true.

Any kind of independence movement threatens their European Federalist mantra. They want to crush Catalonian independistas almost as much as Madrid.

According to their own gospel, the EU should be taking action against Spain, though. However, I'm sure that they'll find some way around it.

Wouldn't it be interesting if they were forced to kick out Spain anyway? Ironically spain would be the first to leave the EU officially before Britain and they want to stay in.

Madrid has done something very vile. and has violated International law.I really like your post ,, very informative ,,, thanks

It's only a matter of time before the EU establishes a continent-wide paramilitary outfit similar to the bunch of kevlar-clad, helmeted thugs known in Spain as the guardia civil.

The EU (and Germans in particular) didn't issue any statements of condemnation as they have a sneaking admiration for these actions by Spain's government and probably see this as a blueprint for future suppression of dissent in the rest of the EU.

Never forget that the woman effectively leading the EU, is from a family that fled from West Germany to live in the marxist, totalitarian east.

The Brits have had a close shave in just getting out in time.

100% for suspension! If this was happening in Moscow or Beijing there would be outrage in our fake "mainstream" media!

Yes. But the E.U is without a doubt very happy with the reaction of the Spanish 'government'.
They don't want Catalonia out, much less the whole of Spain. Centralization is the name of their game...

And I don't think Catalonia wants out (of EU) either. I could be wrong though, out of the loop with current events

I guess they don't want out, I don't know.

Spot on maneco64

There will be no suspension this is just a half toll history. The calatans began the aggresion to the police first. But this is the way that independentists like people to look at it.
See it for yourself. And think about it. Spanish police don't win anything by hitting them, just for people saying there are right. As a Catalan independentists you win by publishing your story about how the police hit you. On the polling part, they were no police. The police said that some hooded people where acting violently on the outside. Don´t eat this half truth people.

To call these cops animals would be insulting to animals. This shows how brainwashed and mind-controlled they are, they would do anything for worthless pieces of paper.

This is all about control. The crooks want to stay in power. The EU wants their unelected officials to keep their power.

Absolutely. This is all about the debt and Spain's weak coalition. Rajoy should not be PM, the election should have resulted in a 2nd vote. This was pushed onto Spain because of EU needs and looking ahead to today.

They were never prepared for this level of push back from Catalonia and now it's completely blown up in their faces.

Appalling! Disgusting!
They must be living in tremendous fear inside the prison of their minds.

Hopefully many people will open their eyes to the true nature of the state when they see these images!

Que el pueblo decida libremente, la libertad es el más grande tesoro de los pueblos. Thank you for sharing.

God will help you.

Will he?
Like he helps all the 100's of thousands of tortured prisoners in North Korea?...

I thought Europe was civilized and allow their citizens to participate in democracy? Using the military to subdue the public from using pieces of paper?
No the Catalan people want their own Republic. Sorry but you cannot vote yourself away from the crown. Use must use force or force will be used against you. Pick up a gun instead of paper and do it the old fashioned way.
Sorry but that is reality. George Washington knew this. As did Jefferson, "the tree of liberty must be watered" I don't like seeing the blood on those folks but there is more to come if they truly desire to sever ties and be independent.

I disagree.

Violence is the game of the state. They are professionals. You can't beat it on this playing field. The state needs violence in order to justify it's own violence to the people.

Those who use force against the state harm the freedom movement.

As horrible as these pictures are, they document a good strategy: show who is initiating force and let the whole world see. Raising awareness...
Gandhi and MLK are more important than ever.

Sometimes violence is unavoidable, but the Catalans have one more option to exercise before it gets to that: tax revolt!! That will send a more poerfull message to the Spanish government than the vote. If the Catalans want their independence, they will have to up the ante.

Maybe capture them as they entered the polling stations?
Should a man just take a baton to the face? I am searching for the answers also.
Self protection is violence?

The state has the monopoly on violence.

More so, it seems to seek the monopoly on immorality altogether... :)

This is the kind of news you get to read about when we talk of 3rd world countries. Its very sad, that the ruling government can forget about it's people in a second. Young & old alike. The intoxication of power is dangerous. On the other hand this is also the case of police brutality. I wish there is someone who would walk up to any of these government official's home and drag their kids and old parents out on the road just to see the reactions.

All I can say about the referendum is.. "LET THEM VOTE!"
Reposted and upvoted

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Catalonia is very reach and ppl would live much better there if it was an independent country. Think all the taxes they pay yearly to Spain government that pays out its huge unending dept to international banks. And when ppl try to say "no" because they are tired of all this, the police beats them up. This is horrible. But I strongly believe that Catalonia will be free and independent country anyway

hopefully this is over soon.

Maybe if 10,000 police are "returned" home

My sister went back there to vote. It's a disaster this violence from the police. Let them do what they want, civilians have rights.

Good post. I follow you then :) Have a nice day

actions that the police are doing very brutally towards the public. I am very upset to see it @thatsnumberwang

this won't surely end here. There was a euro press conference shown on RT several reporters asked the press spokesman about Spanish free speech and the closing down of websites Eu spokesman ignored every comment and finally said is there any other question.

Maybe suspension is a salvation from the EU , since it represents (The EU) only the interests of Germany.

Maybe the whole spanish and eu governments should be ignored by the people.

what a terrible news !

Police brutality is a real problem which needs to be addressed ASAP!

What a difficult situation Spain is in. Who are terrorists, who are separatists or fighters for freedom, just a new big mess

Here is a clue. GLADIO The governments are the terrorists!

WOW... this is big ... very BIG ... We need more this news here .

the distinction between people lead to sedition @upbuzz ... thankx for sharing

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They have the power, we have the numbers, but soon they'll have the technology to overcome any threat posed by us...

Are any of you surprised? The subhuman criminals at the top are afraid and there will be a lot more of this coming from the ranks of their puppets and pawns.

Research Larken Rose and his story of the "The Tiny Dot"

No one will be free until all of are free.

Humankind - Be Both

"Suspension of any Member State that uses military force on its own population."

They used police, not military force, so this article is not applicable here.
Every day, in every country police are using force against citizens. It's called policing.

Guardia Civil is a military force in Spain. Both, Police and Guardia Civil was used.

Beating up people who simply want to vote is thuggery. The whole world is watching. Bad move Spain. Hard to explain away the images we are seeing.

I would not call it military force. Military force is when the army or armed forces start shooting at general public for protesting. I don't believe that has happened in this case.

And all this before Junker and his crew have even got their EU army up and running. Lesson for other EU voters, get out while you still can things are going to get messy.

Resteemed to my followers. Got to get this out. Been hearing too much about how the people of Catalonia have no right to self determination because it has "always been part of Spain". Real amazing to me people think they can dictate people's lives from hundred and thousands of miles away.

Spain is what we face if we in America decide to rise up
Free Catalonia

The Referendum held today in the region of north-east Spain was a joke, achieved trough non democratic procedures to destroy one of the oldest nation states on earth for the sake of globalism.
The local authorities controlling the school system have brainwashed even the kids against everything related to the rest of the country. Even as half of people living there have Spanish as their mother tongue, the system is not bilingual but only Catalan.
Catalan nationalism is deep rooted in racist believes since the 19th century. Do your research. The actual local government that did the referendum was only elected by 37% of the population and only 50% of total voters and the coalition partner are radicals that aggressively deny the rights of the great silent majority. This government did the biggest cuts in health and other budgets. Their police and future secret service was trained in Israel and did smash down with much more violence the 15M youth movement few years ago than anywhere else in Spain.
Main goal of this show was to create this violent images that so deeply disturb all good-hearted people to get support.
Corruption is reigning all over Spain at is in the European Central Bank controlled Nato-European Union.
The international observers presented to control the illegal voting are members from a NATO think tank.

Image: Former president of the Catalan Generalitat (indicted for corruption)

It is the economy stupid! When Catalonia accounts for 20% of Spain's annual GDP, any attempt to break ties with the motherland cannot be realized.

You think we have democracy in EU? Think twice....resteem

What they're doing is technically illegal. You can't just vote you out of a country. I don't condome violence, but they're looking and pressuring the government.

Shame on Spain PM and his police, I felt like watching Erdogan yesterday. When you see the policeman beating 70+ years old woman, it is clear that he is brainwashed. How can this even happen in EU in 2017.

upvoted and resteemed :)

What we need is voting system and proved identities on the blockchain.

During UK and French protests and riots we've seen some images of violence from both sides, though police have also been accused by many of provoking violence. The most shocking thing about the scenes in Catolan are the images of the police violently attacking peaceful protestors with absolutely no provocation

EU has to back Spain because it's obvious that if Catalonia gains independence. Then others will follow. Hence the break up of the Euro currency and the EU.

One thing that is very clear is that, the law is only written to be applied on the weak. Since Madrid is one of the big contributors to EU, the organization will eventually give a def hear to the cry of catalonia. But not to worry, a United front will always stand the test of time.
