Will You Participate This Wednesday Distance Meditative Healing Energy Group Transmission (Mind-To-Mind)?


Will You Participate This Wednesday Distance Meditative Healing Energy Group Transmission (Mind-To-Mind) With Presbyteer Dow?
Transmission will begin at 10 pm EDT. This message is the weekly call for participation in distance meditative healing energy group transmission, previously initiated by Dow the Presbyteer, on Wednesday nights. Dow the Presbyteer has more than 40 years cultivating and teaching Energy Life Science Arts and is renowned for his accomplished internal and external energy skills, including meditative energy transmission for healing and for assisting clients and students in their self-development, both in person and remote. Nuances of form, concentration, awareness, detached observation, intuition, insight and emptiness can be realized with the guidance of a Master Teacher such as Presbyteer Dow.

Participate from anywhere in the world:
This particular energy transmission is remote, not in person, so people "tune in" from wherever they are in the world. No telephone, internet or other equipment is needed or used; instead, it is mind-to-mind.
Contact me for the metaphysical code or key to access, or tune-in, the healing energy transmission. The access code is different each week, and is usually an organ or energy point of the body. At the appointed time, 10:00 pm ET, participants usually go to a place where they are comfortable, feel safe, and maybe often meditate. You may lay or sit - whatever position is most comfortable for you. You'll receive the transmission on an unconscious level even if you forget about the transmission, or you're unable to interrupt what you're doing (work, family, church). We strongly recommend you stop driving or operating machinery for the transmission. Please get the Qigongized Empowered Nft to confirm your participation via the unlockable RSVP link.
Qigongized Empowered Healing Card https://nftshowroom.com/gallery/bubblingwells_art_qigongized-empowered-healing-card #nft #nftshowroom #hive via @NftShowroom
