in #nigeria6 years ago (edited)

I was on the verge of beginning this write-up with the phrase..

If the steemexchanger platform kicks off

but it already has. So instead, I want to say

Steemit is definitely going to take Nigeria like wildfire.

Why am I saying this?

I've been a member of the steemit community since December last year and sort of gave it a lot of my time. But when I tried to introduce it to others the first thing they kept asking was
Gbenga, have you cashed out?

I wished I could say yes.
I wished I had proof to back up my convictions.
But no, I had just words alone.
To me, I see steemit as an investment, something I intend building for a couple of years before cashing out. And I told them this.

Some were sceptical, as they rightly ought to be, but they showed interest nevertheless, some opening accounts on the blockchain, others saying they'd join once they saw proof that this was not some Ponzi scheme.

On most of the exchanges I have come across, the minimum steemit or SteemDollar to withdraw is so high that even if I was inclined to cashing out, I'd have thought twice and then some more. Plus the steps to take were a bit too strenuous.

So when I saw the link to a website built on the steemit blockchain which offers the opportunity to convert steemdollars into Naira directly and have it sent to your bank account directly, I was sort of doubting its authenticity.
Two days later, someone on the group I saw the link explained better.

Do you know what grabbed my attention in what he said?

It was that I could give it a trial with any amount I had, didn't have to be much.
So I took that risk and clicked on the link <https//:> and I had to register for an account with the site.

To cut this narration which seems to be getting away from me short, I transferred 0.5 SBD into the designated account with my memo and 3 minutes later, after requesting to withdraw, I got an alert on my phone.


You can't fathom how elated I am right now. Seeing this opportunity to cash out regardless of how small it is is worth celebrating.
And I can assure you that I'm gonna be using the steemexchanger in the days to come.

What's my point in all these?

I just wanted to create the awareness to all Nigerian steemians that you don't have to wait till you've got 30SBD or a ridiculously high amount like that before you start reaping the benefit of being a member.
From the first day you get a payout, you can convert it into our local fiat currency,the Naira.

Cool isn't it?

If you happen to be a Nigerian, trust me, this calls for a lot of celebration.

So here's my way of exhorting you all to keep at it, the rewards of being a member of this community are real. In fact, I can feel it in my wallet right now.

And to those making the steemit experience much easier for us...

I wanna say a big THANK YOU