Quality talk about @BabsBoard GarageSale Issue 10

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

You must read this post very painstakingly accurate or careful. Not to do so could bring you into some traps that you did not want to happen to yourself!

Du må lese denne posten veldig nøye. Å ikke gjøre det kan lede deg inn i noen feller du ikke ville skulle hende deg!

Due to very high success we have a lot of cleaning up to do. We will be back when the job is done.

På grunn av meget stor suksess har vi en del opprydning å gjøre. Vi er tilbake når jobben er gjort.

We have a new game!

For all of you that have been following us, you know we like games and the chance for you to win.
We have been talking with Ramta Reddington if he could come up with a game while you are waiting for us to come back with the GarageSale again.
His response was:" Of course, but you all know that it will be a hard game to learn from, right?"

Here is the name of the game: Call my name!

  1. You write a comment in this post. It better be a good one (our advice to you).
  2. At the end of your comment you write: I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment (you can of course write a comment without taking part of the game).
  3. Ramta Reddington will respond to your comment and Upvote or DOWNVOTE you.
  4. If he DOWNVOTE you, you will lose Reputation and learn something. If he Upvote you, you will be happy and learn something.

Why is this a game? It is a game because to judge a persons comment is subjective, it can never be totally objective. But it is a came you can win, just follow the rules! Are you in for a tough game? Or should we call it tough love?

Do you want to be a legend on Steemit and in your life?

Hello everybody!
This is a message from me Ramta Reddington to you all personally. The game is not that hard in my world. But if you write a one-liner or say Sir, nice dear Sir, I agree with you Sir or any of that street-smart nonsense you are in for some trouble for sure. I do not want you to praise me, I want for you to be successful on your own. I am the 67. richest person on Steemit at the moment and I did not get there by letting people praise me. I got there by learning how it all works, stay loyal and respect the other Steemians. Who can do that? Everyone can do that! You can do that. You can do that! You can do that! YOU can do that! Did you get it now?

Make your best comment ever!
Ramta Reddington

OK we are done with the explaining of the new game. Get to it and have fun!

The winners of the new game - Call my name so far are:

@Muhasib - Too many comments - Make them fewer and better

The winners of @GentleBot & @Thing-2 lottery so fa are:

@Olumideolowoyeye - @Seha76 -
@Udinseduniaa - will be downvoted if he do not edit his comment to a good one!

Teleport to the GarageSale
@BabsBoard - we fix everything

There are 3 pages

Dear @babsBoard , @Ramta and everyone...

Once upon a time there was a man who told me that if it's messed up and untidy in your surroundings, it gets messed up and untidy in your head. And of course, at the same time; if you clean up and things are in order around you, it gets neat and tidy in your head.

I'm a person who likes to keep it clean, but it's not always I'm good at tidying up. After the man told me this simple rule, I have always cleaned up in my apartment if I have felt frustrated or bored.
And .... it helps ... EVERY TIME.
The man who told me this was of course none other than Mr. @Ramta himself.

So Dear @BabsBoard, I understand the need to take a little cleaning break. And in the meantime it's very nice for us to have a new 'Call my name'-game with @Ramta . It's great fun to read all the nice comments for this post.
What about a little 'Ramta yogi' dance while you clean?

We will be waiting for the next edition of the Garagesale. I discovered that the next edition was not yet ready, when I pressed the 'teleport to the garagesale'-link. HA HA HA LOL ,@BabsBoard !!!
Tomorrow I'm going to turn of my computer and head out to play ... Maybe I'll take the first bath of the year in the ocean. I heard it was 19 degrees celsius in the water :-)

Finally I end my comment with an old sketch. Just as funny, every time.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment
Have a nice day, everyone

yeah i agree dear
its a outstanding presentation by @babsboard & @ramta
thanks dear for sharing a valuable post

@@@BabsBoard really sir you so great man. You my most choice man. Thanks for you sir
I have the honor to be the winner, the only thing I will do is not to repeat the mistake I made and to respond to the congratulations of the people with one comment to thank them all and not write a lot of comments "Thank you".
I thank Sir @Babsboard who told me this to be careful next time, and not to get me down because he realized that I did it by mistake.

Tnx for upvote

Going through the post as instructed and understanding the rule of the game quite loud and clear and so I decided to jump in . Not because I’m sure of myself, or feeling like I can write better than anyone else but because I want to definitely know and learn things, I want to be able to proudly say I got here by hard work, respect and staying loyal as advised by @ramta himself and this has lead me to choose my favorite part of the post to write about

Do you want to be a legend on Steemit and in your life?

Yes oh yes. I want to be a legend , I’ve always have this dream as a singer to be one of the best my generation could produce ever produce because I want everyone to CALL MY NAME

I work hard on my passion and steemit has created that platform for me to be a lendary steemit super star and of course if I’m a star here , I’m a star there . If I’m a lengend on steemit , I’m a legend in life

And so over time , I took the pleasurable pain, effortlessly effort as it seems to me when creating my riddim as a reggae singer. That is to say I love what I do and it’s more fun to me than work.

But I got to realize that working hard on my passion is the major role I’ve got to play but staying loyal to those who could help me achieve my dreams too is a crucial aspect of my lendary processes.

So I work hard and pray
Raising my head high to sky I say
I’m gonna be a star
Coming out the shadow gonna be a star

Staying loyal to my family and friends
Respecting all of them that comes my way
So I say Jah, you see that I try
Doing all I can just to be a star { 2ce }

That’s the hook { Chorus } inspired by this game, well this is just a game and here is me answering to my favorite part of this post. Special shout out to you @babsboard
I call your name @ramta Reddington to judge my comment


It is a very good opportunity to learn first, before winning or losing !! I really liked the 4th explanatory point of the game, namely:

4- If he DOWNVOTE you, you will lose Reputation and learn something. If he Upvote you, you will be happy and learn something.

whatever is the fate of your comment, whether it will be upvoted or downvoted, whoever is going to participate in this game will learn.

Make a comment and participate in the game "Call my name" may cause me to lose reputation, but anyway I will participate.

How can we guarantee enthusiasm and competitiveness on the GARAGE SALE page during the whole week? and if someone wants to sell a service and not a concrete object, is that feasible and accepted on GARAGE SALE?

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

That's a good question my friend Amine!

I've found a lot of websites where we can offer services and make money, but it's a bit tricky given the lack of trust in these websites, so it will be a good thing if we can do that here it will be easier because here we have much more credibility.

In any case we will wait for the answer of @babsboard.

Good start of week friend.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Since we don't have a topic, I'll just write about my day.
I'm in the final year of my college, and am working on a project currently.
I have to do tests to see how super plasticizers influence the quality of concrete. This requires a lot of labor and since I was fasting it was all the more exhausting.
During the break, I enjoyed this beautiful scenery
Just 15 minutes spent with mother nature and I was completely recharged and ready for another go. If you know how to appreciate and enjoy nature, it works as fuel to boost you no matter how tough the situation you're in.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Hi Sir @Babsboard, @Ramta and everyone!

First, I want to wish all of you a Happy Ramadan.

I have a question for you to ask Sir @babsboard :

When we want to resell a product that we have already proposed and has not been sold, is it necessary to write a new post for that or can we just take the link from the old post and put it in the comment?

Thank you for your reply and have a nice weekend.

I would like to add a little message to my question :

When I started working on steemit I thought at the beginning that we could succeed easily but in time I discovered that we really have to work seriously and bring things of quality to climb step by step and succeed.


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment


Regards @Babsboard and @Ramta!

It's fun to enjoy. The games are very sensational and amazing.

An authentic proof!

Besides great fun, tucked anxiety for me. Why? Because I have to deal with two great things that I have to take for my life.

Is that?

First, personally would like to get a positive comment from @Ramta. However, to get that, I am faced with a very positive game in developing rhetoric about how to put the right idea in an effective sentence. This makes the mood a bit thrilling.

Secondly, I do not know what to say, if all this has to end negatively. Why? It is not easy for me to achieve an instant career in this highly competitive platform. I go the extra mile to make my dream come true.

Hopefully my struggle is not in vain. That is my deepest inner prayer. But on this occasion it was revealed.

Thanks @Babsboard and @Ramta have given me a chance in this fabulous garagesale.

I mentioned your name @Ramta Reddington to rate my comment.

Thank you @gentlebot for his appreciation 🙏

Have a beautiful day!

Some memorable & beautiful moments of Garage Sale:

  1. "Wow, i Win.I can't believe this.Thank you so much @EveryDayCoach & @BabsBoard for this honor"-@Pijon's reaction when he wins the Guesstimate contest of @Babsboard garage sale issue 2.
  2. "OMG, i win.
    Thank you so much @babsboard for arranging this beautiful auction & also the "Guesstimate" game for us"-@Dannywill's Reply's after the announcing the winner of @BabsBoard garage sale Issue 3.
  3. "Here I am @babsboard. Very nice to win"- Mr. @Tommyhansen's comments when he knew he is the winner of the contest from issue 4 of @BabsBoard garage sale.
  4. "Hi @babsboard and everyone!
    Is it true?! I do not expect to find the right number of upvotes,
    I'm really happy, I'm going to have a great night.Thank you very much my dear steemit’s friends you make me the happiest"-@AmalMez's beautiful reply's she wins the Guesstimate contest of @Babsboard garage sale issue 5.
  5. "O my God O my God.I just can't believe this.It's a dream to me.This is the best thing happened to me after joining steemit.This garage sell is the best thing of steemit to me.I enjoy most when i take part in auction.It make me feel superb"- @Sarahmcdowell2's reactions after winning the guesstimate contest of @BabsBoard garage sale issue 6.
  6. "Oh what a morning! This post is really a morning star in the land of @babsboard's blog! I'm really very happy I won the guesstimate contest! Thank you very much @babsboard for this great opportunity and good luck for everyone in the next round!"-@Hasmez, after he knew he is the Guesstimate contest winner of issue 7.
  7. "Woow !! finally I won the Guesstimate I am really happy, thank you very much Sir @babsboard! I wish good luck to everyone soon"- @RedouaneMez's beautiful comments after announcing the winner of @BabsBoard Garagesale issue 8.

I still didn't win the @Babsboard GarageSale Contest but i am trying hard to win the contest. I hope @Ramta Reddington like this comment of mine & i win this game so that i could join the list of the winners Hall of Fame of @BabsBoard Garage Sale & write a beautiful Reply's like them.


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Thank you so much @Latikasha for your beautiful comment. Looks like you spent a lots of time to write this comment.

You are right about one thing, when i saw my name as a winner of the Guesstimate contest, I simply couldn't believe that. That feeling was amazing & i am sure everyone who win this contest, had feel the same.


Write good comments like that & one day, surely you will win.
I hope this time you win this contest.

Thanks again @Latikasha.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

This is my first time of coming to your blog, and I'm afraid to write a comment already... Smile

I'm encouraged as well, because it would be a nice adventure on the long run, if I do it right or wrong, it would be part of my learning on steemit...

Now I need to be courageous and put something down here since my goal is to be a legend here and in the real life.

Legends don't run from taking risks, if they win they become legends, if they loose, they learn something new

I understand why such restricted law or principles were given as regards commenting under your blog, it is because people are abusing it with all short of nice post by you, I like your post,
I follow you, please follow me back and the likes.

Commenting is one of the most important part of this community for those that understand it, that's what makes it social, that's is the only way we can interact and build up relationship. Remember, that's one of the main objective of steemit.

I'm not a fan of spamming or plagiarizing comments or posts, I am an advocate of original content myself. So I subjected myself to be judged here... Smile

I love the challenge already and I'm sure my time here would be a great one, I will learn more about commenting and by becoming more conscious, it will help me to become better at it. Doing it right here would help me to do it right there as well.

So, with the courage in my heart, I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Almost three months ago when my friend told me about @Steemit & its Features & how i can earn money by uploading my articles, images, videos & also by commentaries, to hear that my first reaction was "if this is for real". But when my friend actually introduce me with @Steemit, honestly speaking that blows my mind. Immediately i applied for my account. After few days, i got my account confirmation in my mail & i was so happy. After two & half month later i earn 40 SBD but its not the main reason for my happiness. Now i didn't waste my time at Facebook & other social media. Now @Steemit is my second home.
After joining @Steemit, i learned few things about it, like (a)Steemit is a social medium that pays every post uploader that uploads on it. It pays in cryptocurrency called Steem. (b)If you post copy/pasted content on Steemit from the net, or you plagiarise your content, you will be hunted by the Cheetah. (c) If you do not upvote your comment you can win the upvote from @gentlebot & @thing-2. (d) You have to respect other Stemians Content. (e) @Steemit is all about Quality not Quantity. (f) Blogging is the key here, you get paid for quality blogging.

After joining @Steemit soon i found the @BabsBoard Garage Sale post. I really love @BabsBoard Garage Sale. Here anyone can earn money by selling their staff or just trying to sell their staff. Anyone can BID here & Buy stuff & get Cash Back. Anyone can win the upvote from @gentlebot & @thing-2. And also they can find Fun & Happiness at @BabsBoard Garagesale & always learn something new & important things such as how can you be successful at @Steemit.

Wishing everyone a Happy Ramadan.


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

I joined @Steemit only 2 months ago. In this two month "@Babsboard GarageSale" is the best thing ever happen to me in @Steemit. In the "@Babsboard GarageSale" here I made my first ever Reply's on Garage Sale continuation Issue 2. Since then i participate almost Every GarageSale Issue & win Guesstimate contest 1 Time & also win 20 Steem Bid contest 1 Time & hoping to win again.
The best think about "@Babsboard GarageSale" is, i always had so much fun in here & every time i learned some thing new & useful here. Such as, Steemit is all about quality not quantity. So always try hard to write good comment not one liner comment. Always respect other Stemians. Power Up your SP. Try to learn from success people on Steemit. Write good & quality-full post.


In the "@Garagesale Issue 8" i made a serious mistake & i am really sorry for that. I really hoped that Dear @Babsboard forgive me for my mistake. I really didn't know that time the "@Garagesale Issue 8" was still open.


I already told you i joined Steemit only 2 month ago, i am trying hard to learn as quickly as possible. In my learning process i made few mistake. I always try learn from my mistake.
I Pray & Wish "Good Luck" to every New Stemians for their dream success at @Steemit. And also Wishing "@BabsBoard GarageSale" a Sky High success & glory.


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Best Regards @Dannywill.

@BabsBoard @Ramta and all friends here, Hello,

It was 6 pm when I discovered that @babsboard and @ramta had launched a new contest, which I enjoyed so much but unfortunately I was very busy preparing breakfast because the time of sunset was only a few minutes away, it is not a regular breakfast but we prepare a variety of delicious dishes and this is a picture of breakfast in Ramadan at sunset :

Inevitably everyone who is of a religion other than Islam will be surprised when I say that I am preparing breakfast late in the day, well do not be surprised I will explain in detail :
Two days ago, the month of Ramadan began, a month of great sanctity for Muslims, and it is one of the greatest months of God, the month in which the Koran was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad "peace be upon him", It is the month of fasting.
The explanation goes on because there is much to be said about the virtue of this month, so I will one day write a topic for each interested,
This month we abstain from eating and drinking and everything related to human instinct
from early morning until sunset, as well as abstaining from any abusive behavior towards others. Therefore, we are forced to reform ourselves, to tolerate others, to do good, to avoid evil, and to teach us patience and endurance.

Source of this image : http://ramadan50.blogspot.com/2012/07/ramadan-is-month-of-allah.html?m=1

I hope that I have been able to clarify the picture to you if only a little because the subject is long explained and presented here only a drop in the sea, but I did so, so as not to prolong you and so as not to be tired of reading my comment.

For reference only, I decided to prepare the meal dishes wearing the magical Steemit t-shirt that arrived this morning, and this is my comment link in the garage quality talk issue 9 regarding the moment I received the famous t-shirt

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Hi @babsboard and @ramta

I think it is a smart trick for you to do such a contest. This way you can instill the basic idea of steemit, which is writing useful and important content, not just a few words of thanks and praise, it is a genius idea to turn the advice into a contest.
This is how you will make everyone write their comments. You are really making a great effort and it is so generous of you to try to help others and at the same time you give them a profit. I think you are angels. Am I wrong?


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Hi @babsboard and @ramta sir.I hope both of you are well.Here some steemian told a lot of things about ramadan.I wanna ad something to it.
Ramadan Facts: Interesting Ramadan facts:

1-Nigerians are widely believed to be one of the most religious set of people in the world. Religious beliefs, practices and rites have become a daily part of our lives. One of the most important religious sects in the country is Islam and the Ramadan fast is one of its most important practice.
2-Muslims all over the country, regardless of location, either in Lagos or Abuja join other Muslims everywhere in the world in taking part in this major religious practice. Ramadan stands as the ninth month on the Muslim calendar, believed to be the month when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to Prophet Muhammed. A religious annual observance of daylight fasting occur in this month and it stands as one of the religious core beliefs of Islam. The time spent fasting is used in prayer, chastity and the spiritual purification of the body and mind.
3-The new moon determines the start of Ramadan.
4-Ramadan fast is one of the five pillars of Islam
5-Ramadan’s Purpose:Throughout Ramadan, people fasting are expected to abstain from food, drinks and other pleasures from dawn to dusk. Participants are supposed to focus their mind on prayer, purity, spirituality and charity. Fasting is reminds you of the importance of self-control and the suffering of the poor. Ramadan fasting rules helps to cleanse your body and mind.
6-Exclusion from the fast:Some of the people exempted from fasting during Ramadan are pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and people who are physically and mentally ill. Individuals who are travelling, engaged in hard labour and women on their period can also skip some days and make up for the days missed later.
7-Children are not obligated to fast:It is not compulsory for children to fast until they reach puberty but some choose to observe it in preparation for their adulthood.
8-People fasting only eat before the sun rises and after the sunsets.
9-Individuals are encouraged to discontinue their Ramadan fast if it threatens their overall health.
10-Eid ul Fitr:This is a large festival celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan, it begins the moment the new moon is sighted. Muslims celebrate with family and friends, prepare large meals and donate to charity so that poor people can also celebrate.This is the biggest festival for the muslim's all over the world.
I hope now you are very clear about Ramadan which is most important religious part for the muslim's all over the world.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

For people who do not know very well The month of Ramdan: it is a month that is an opportunity to multiply actions of solidarity and social charity for the poor.

Throughout this month, we show our loving solidarity and our greater generosity towards the needy.


Best Regards

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Thank's to @redouanemez for your information.I din't know that in brief.Social charity for the poor is a nice concept it proves that Islam is not about terrorism.Islam is for peace.Most of the people who has miss concept about Islam. They don't know about Islam.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Hi @sarahmcdowell2 !

Yes you are right, in any case you should never judge something if you do not know all the details, and you have to be careful and not believe in lies that we find in the media.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment


Dear @BabsBoard and @Ramta

Today I'm traveling to Rauland close to Rukan. A beautiful place in Norway, don't know if you have ever been there? I have been there once. A lovely place to visit. What I will I be doing in Rauland? Well this is a 8 days retreat to take care of body and mind.

I have noticed that you lately have been taking about getting caught i traps. And I must admit I have let my self been caught in several traps, many of them have been speed traps, and traps of unfinished works, aka not finished circles. You thought me a life time lesson when you explained about this circles for me. I have been living my life on high speed, always juggling between different projects and a lot of things to do. "A 1000 thoughts at the same time" I know that it is only possible to have one thought at the time, but skipping from on to the other without finishing anything completely. This have made my life much harder then i had ever expected or realized. I have i beautiful wife, that i have been married to for over 15 years and she has always try to explain to me that my way of doing things needs to be changed for her to be more relaxed. I never understood what this was all about and did continue with my way f thinking and living.
The last 5 years I have been reading a lot f self- development books about how to do better in life, but i actually have missed out on this point. I have learned a lot and improved my life quality and understanding from this books, but this small lesson you had with me gave me an understanding with extreme high value. So many thanks to you for this lesson. For those of you that wonders what this is all about you can read my earlier posts about this here click here I have also done some follow ups that you can see on my profile.
After learning this my life has changed a lot to the better. I have also understood that what i thought was excellent to do, juggling a lot of things to do at the same time, is not smart and effective, rather the opposite. You loos you mane focus and don't get your full attention on what you are doing. I did some thinking about this, ow to explain it with other words, and the best explanation i found that is easy to understand is; When you sit down to eat a better meal, while watching the Tv, scrolling your phone or you laptop. This will give you a nice meal but you will loos something with out been aware of it, well i at least do. I loos the attention to my food, I eat but don't taste the food, don't experience the different flavors, don't get my attention to one thin, the food experience. My attention is all over the place, not with the experience of me enjoying my food experience. This might sound strange, but if you don't believe me you should try it. Sit down have a great meal and your only focus should be on this, not drifting round in your head or doing other things at the same time. Another word for this is Mindfulness

So again thank you for teaching me a way to understand how to change my life to the better.
I want to share a video with you, that gives me a lot of feelings. This is to show that small acts from ordinary people can change your day.

Speed traps. For me this is when
my mind is set up to finish the job, not on the result or how to to it as best as possible to avoid making mistakes or with not good enough quality.

You can also look at how I started using Steemit. Without understanding how this is going to work, I headed out in full speed. Searching followers, upvoting everything and posting one-liner comments. What did this give me? A lot of followers that don't give me any upvotes. A lot of feed news that is not in my interest, and a lot of commenting without getting anything back. Not a reply or a upvote.

So I had to learn, and by learning from one of the best. My account has grown, my comments are better and I'm having a lot of success in my life and at Stemmit.

So my advice to you all is listen and pay attention to your life, how you play your role, listen when someone that knows they game gives you advices (like @Ramta and @Babsboard are doing a lot of)
It is allowed and expected to make mistakes. But try to not look at it as mistakes, just a way to learn how to do things better. Always look a head and have focus on what you are doing right now.
dan icon.jpg

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment
Best regards @EveryDayCoach

Hi @Everydaycoach !

We have all experienced this feeling of spending a lot of time working on something without really having concrete results.

For me, it was a real frustration. Having to spend a lot of time on something and having the impression of not making any progress.

I always wondered why I had this feeling. Still, it was not complicated. The problem was simply that I did not know how to focus on one thing at a time.

Most of the time, what really stops us from concentrating is ourselves. Lack of discipline and organization are the most common causes of lack of concentration.


I thank you for your interesting words, I will try to see your posts on which you speak about the solutions you have learned to improve your life.

I saw the video is very touching and it's true sometimes a simple gesture of volentee to mobilize everyone and change a lot of things.


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Best regards @RedouaneMez

Hi @everydaycoach,

What I have learned from your comment is that the most important secret to success is to begin to change without hesitation as there is no doubt that we face in life many people who are afraid of taking direct steps to achieve benefit or prevent harm or improve the level. Here we say that we stand on the threshold of what the society agreed to call the initiative.

To rush to do something for the purpose of change, this thing may be an idea or work or anything else useful for the purpose of change.

The initiative is aimed at change, whether this change is small or large, limited or broad, in any useful area, the initiator of a particular initiative, he noticed a lack or wanted to develop something or risk doing something new to change something in the field.

In my opinion, for exemple, in order to be a good entrepreneur, you must have the qualities of the real entrepreneur, including the desire to work, self-confidence, determination, challenge, desire to succeed, acceptance of competition, etc.
Overall, as Lao Tsu said, "The one thousand mile journey begins with one step" and this step can be called "initiative".

Image source : http://jessicasmithtv.com/journey-thousand-miles-begins-single-step/

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment



Hello dear friends,

I wonder why the majority here indicated they were afraid that @ramta would downvote them if they wrote their comments, i'm really surprised, do you think that @ramta is a person waiting when he does it because he likes to do just for the enjoyment.
Or is he evil and most important for him is to catch our mistakes.
Of course not, he does not want you to be afraid of him, his first and last goal is to motivate us to give our best.
He had tried earlier to deliver this idea but failed because the majority could not absorb his lofty goal from his warnings.

"The strict teacher with his disciples is a successful teacher"

Let us look at the positive side and try to do what we can of valuable things, it will be in our best interest and this is our teacher's goal, @ramta has already achieved what he wants and it is not he who needs our help but we who need it.
And also as already said he is among the richest people in steemit in the sense that he may not need to strengthen his position, because he has really done it and succeeded in doing and we must follow his steps to reach the summit.

This was my personal opinion and my way of seeing things, and of course i respect your opinions and your point of view

I hope you enjoy watching this valuable video

Accept my appreciation and respect my friends

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.


The most important thing is that the teacher makes sure that everyone succeeds and that it is exciting at all times. The atmosphere, the atmosphere and the environment must be 100% safe. He has to make sure that all the exchanges between the participants are really useful and bring something more so that everyone benefits.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Dear @gagago at first i was afraid that will i comment here or just let it go.But after thinking some time i found that @ramta sir is like one of our teacher who behave strict just to guide us towards right path.@ramta sir once downvoted me,that's why i was afraid.But now i am well concern about his greatness.He is a kind of person who has got the power and he use it for others betterment.His strict rules helped me to learn a lot of things.At first i din't get this game,but later i came to understand this game.This is a completely unique game.I am just surprised to see the out come of the game.Just have a look at all the comment,there is some such wonderful comment's which is really appreciable.This game helped us to show our inner writing skill.I just wanna thak to @ramta and @babsboard sir for this wonderful and unique game.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.
Best regard's @rupok.

The quality of the Content is more and more essential in a community that wants to progress and succeed.

Serious Steemian readers are constantly on the lookout for relevant, high-value content. Thus, we make ourselves credible in the eyes of our target, which will serve us to build a relationship with her. In addition, the quality of the content makes it possible to create a link between us and our readers and followers.

Good start to the week, everyone

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

I fully agree with you, @redouanemez, since in general the useful content is that solves the reader's problems and meets his needs. Which is the content that adds a clear value. So useful content can be an instructional lesson to do something, a revealing, informative interview, a first-time news item, or perhaps a list of useful resources and tools.
The single most important thing most web sites can offer their users is valuable content.
I think the idea of creating good content is a great idea to write a good post, and I'll do it very soon.


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Thank you dear sister for this rich information, I know you very well and I know that you are always looking for quality content that will be useful to others, I occasionally take a look at your posts I can say that you do really an effort to share quality stuff.

I assure you that if you continue like this you will be among those who have progressed quickly and successful in this platform.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Thank you my dear @redouanemez for encouraging me, this motivates me to exert more effort and increase confidence in myself, and I wish you also good luck to achieve what you aspire to

thank you @babsboard for making this opportunity and organising the game, as there is no topic or thing to write a comment about, i will tell you a story of my kashmir, hope this will be OK with you as I'm afraid of getting flagged 😑

Kashmir a disputed territory...

The Kashmir conflict is a territorial clash specifically between India and Pakistan, having started simply after the partition of India in 1947. China has at times played a minor function. India and Pakistan have fought three wars over Kashmir, including the Indo-Pakistani Wars of 1947 and 1965 and the Kargil battle of 1999. Many people in the territory do not want it to be governed by India, preferring instead either independence or union with Pakistan. The population of the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir is more than 60% Muslim, making it the only state within India where Muslims are in the majority. A bloody summer of street protests in kashmir are nothing new, every day dozens of kashmiri are killed by Indian forces, this is real barbarism and hypocrisy.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Hi @ramta sir here people made different kinds of comment's.I also commented on this post.But now i wanna share a great story with you.
Born of a nation(Bangladesh).
The people of Bangladesh discovered their identity through the Language Movement in 1952index.jpg. The struggle to establish their identity and national spirit began soon after 1947, when the British left India dividing it into two countries: India and Pakistan.That was also part of a conspiracy. Bangladesh, then East Pakistan, was part of Pakistan, which was put together by combining two geographically, culturally, and linguistically separate groups of people.Without religion there was no similarity between this two group. The people of Bangladesh soon realized that being a part of Pakistan, which was created on the two nation theory, there was little scope for the distance culture of Bangladeshis to flourish. The Bangla language was the most important media of the cultural expression for the people of this land. The refusal of the central government in West Pakistan to grant official status to the Bangla became the focal point of struggle.The contradiction of the two Pakistans , the racial oppression and the exploitation of the West over the East was gradually unveiled. The struggle for the consciousness of identity and cultural freedom which began with the advent of the student movements of the 60's gained momentum in the mass movement of non-cooperation in 1969. Though it brought about the fall of a mighty military ruler like Ayub Khan, the ultimate goal of self-rule was not achieved. After this, came the election of 1970 with absolute victory of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.In the elections of December 7, 1970 the Awami League won 160 out of 162 seats in East Pakistan, all but two, and would have had a clear majority in the new assembly had it been convened. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became the majority party leader of the Pakistan National Assembly .
The military rulers of Pakistan refused to allow the Awami League to form a government. A heinous conspiracy was plotted by the then Pakistani military dictator Yahya Khan along with Zulfikar Ali bhutto. Even though a conspiracy was being planned, General Yahya Khan was careful not to let this be known. On the 13th of February he announced that on the 3rd of March there would be a session of National A ssembly in Dhaka. Everyone began to eagerly await that day.
The Pakistan Army began their genocide by attacking the innocent Bangaladeshis of Dhaka city. The dwellers of Dhaka city never confronted such unimaginable cruelty at 25th march29598331_2159678487382907_3121903306875474018_n.jpg. But the brave people of this beloved land did not let the dream encircled flag of red and green fall down to dust.
Major General Ziaur Rahman on behalf of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, announced the declaration of independence from Kalurghat Radio Station. A full scale movement of non-cooperation with the military government began on the 26th of March, 1971 which is celebrated as the Independence Day every year. Thus Bangladesh plunged into a gory war seeking its own birth.
During the nine month struggle which ensued an estimated three million Bengalis died and and ten million refuges fled into India. Sheikh Mujib was imprisoned in west Pakistan. A Bangladesh Government in exile was established. The Bangalees started a smart and courageous guerrilla warfare. At one point, India also got involved in the war. The actual military campaign of India took place in December and lasted only ten days. The Indian Army launched a massive offensive against the Pakistani forces to support the Bangladesh movement. On December 16, 1971, the Pakistan army surrendered1.jpg.A nation was born with a very high price of blood.Bangladesh was from Pakistan they beg pardon for what they did to Bangladeshi people.But still they refused to accept the truth.More than two lac women raped intentionally during that war.India helped us during the war against pakistan.Now Bangladesh is flourishing country.Our country has got very first economic growth.Now Bangladesh is no2 in ready made garments sector in the world.Bangladesh is fourth largest fish producer in the world.Bangladesh also doing well in sports,our cricket team is now ranked 7 in ICC ODI ranking.We are doing well in various sectors such as foreign remittance.We are looking forward to achieve more.All the picture collected from-https://www.google.com/search?q=picture+of+1952+language+movement+and+liberation+war&client=firefox-b-ab&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=h27BncIbAI-FZM%253A%252C_qDOZv3YvA9wEM%252C_&usg=_Knf3Lp6czJ2QUhJeyIzBkURM6EA%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3zLi9jZvbAhXEqI8KHQuyDsoQ9QEIODAH#imgrc=
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.
Best regards @rupok.

very nice idea, but in a way this blockchain is supposed to be social media. I agree with you on the point that you should not just say "great post" and then move on hoping you will get a 100 sbd upvote (well, you should just make a nice well thought out comment and not hope for money)

I have been here almost a year on my main account @felander and I am way higher count than that but I do like interaction and I try to make at least a nice comment or interaction on people that comment on my posts. They should not all be the best you will ever write but there should be some thought and substance behind it at least.

and on an other note... what would one have to do to get a vote for a witness from you?
we have set up a new witness server and are struggling to break even for the moment. your vote for the witness could go a long way to make that happen
thanks in advance for the support
steemconnect now has an easy way to vote for witnesses

thanku @ramta i really appreciate your suggestions, will give my best to work upto them 😊
have a good day sir

Very interesting work!

hello ramta...how can i contact you to discuss something

Vote my post or back my steem plz

On @babsboard last post. I learnt a life changing methodology, babsboard shared a steemit secret. He said it is not many post or comment that earns you enough but the quality of the post or comment that will earn you much. I got to the opportunity to see that secret because I came back to read others people's responses on the post, so I can improve on mine because Steemit is like a school and everybody I learn something new.
Everyday I try to improve on myself and I am not in competition with anyone but myself, that is the only way I can get better when I challenge myself. Everyone can attain that steemit success through dedication, commitment and relationship building through the way one responds to others post.
If you must be successful, plan and work towards it.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Are you for real.... The quality of ur post or comment that earn you more.... I will work on myself.. thanks for sharing these....@yungchief... I will love you to teach me more on steemit... Do you have discord....

Hi everyone, this is quite the interesting game. I guess the rules are straightforward enough, but i don't see a writing prompt so it's not totally clear what to write a comment about. Therefore, I assume that we can write about anything and I hope you'll like it. I apologize if the topic is too random.

Where I am in the north western part of the USA, we have a special kind of salmon, the kokanee. It's native to our freshwater lakes and is unique because it only stays in freshwater for all its life. But its population is severely declining, apparently 5 years ago we counted 18,000 of them returning to spawn, but this year only 20 (!) have returned to spawn. I think this is tragic, if the environment is healthy for the fish, it's healthy for us. If it's not, it's a big warning.

I'm not totally sure why the numbers of kokanee have declined but some have blamed rising lake temperatures as being very uncomfortable for them, stressing them out and making them easier prey - very easy prey, apparently. The region is also developing very quickly, maybe lake pollution also hurts them.

It looks like you guys are based in Norway, looks like the country would be very familiar with fishing and salmon? Does your country have success stories in say cleaning up rivers and seeing life return to it, or maybe they never needed cleaning? I like hearing about life...

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Thank you @babsboard for making this opportunity available. Lol i think this is by far the toughest game ive played, i'm so tensioned to do the right thing. But why does it feel so hard to do the right thing? for example, telling the truth is hard, and lying is easy to some people, it should not be so. Doing the right thing should become a part of us, it should be a continuous thing till it becomes us.
If we recognize this, then this game is very easy to play because the rules are quite simple, and its a great chance for everybody to win.

Thank you once again @babsboard for this chance, and thank you @Ramta for choosing to sponsor this game, i wish you my kind regards and i hope to learn from you.

It was awesome to be a part of the garagesale, i hope it comes back soon


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Uhm, absolutely we all needed to learn to play by the rules which I believe is very important and imperative,.

Reddington to you all personally.

This caught my attention, reddington is my favorite artist who features in the movie called blacklist, being an amazing guy bestow with a lot of intelligence could have the FBI in his control and always get things done perfectly together with her chosen one Elizabeth, she is also a perfect matched for the role giving to her. She never give up on anything, ever determine. Team play e. T. C. I'm still following the play which it really well, the suspense is too much o be taken for granted.

I believe I can do this, I'm not afraid, it is either I get upvote or the other way round. .i call on @ramta reddington to judge my comment.

A nice game but there is nothing mentioned clearly what is to be Written in the comment, so

Wrote this little poem..

I complained about my body of being Lazy in religious commitment
Yet being hasty towards the wordly enjoyment
And i remained bewildered my soul being discontent which my body loved
In agony i asked the saint of my problem
The saint replied don't you know the body is made of wordly material while the soul is heavenly possession.
i left while i pondered and here my soul felt a prisoner under the bondage of worldly lusts
Like a bird in a cage who has lost his nest.
Lo! Lo! Lo! Lo!
A body buried under the worldy possession's which he always longed
While the soul flew for his heavenly abode.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

A good vacation « garagesale »
Hoping for the return soon
despite that steemit without the garagesale will not have the same taste.


It is a big problem with bad comments. Both for the reader and writer who waste his or her time on writing nonsense.

I normally confront people on it. I try to respond to all traffic to my acount (replies/comments), but often is it hard because they give me no info nor topic to keep the discussion going further. And 8 out of 10 times the have some kind of begging of following them or liking them.

What is the right thing to do?

Confronting them?

Downvote them ( i never does )

Or blocking them?

I dont know.

What i do?
I only post thing that is exciting for me and comments on things that i want to know more about and topics where i can contribotute to a engaging discussion.

Thanks for the game!
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment


can you refund the price of post that you cannot vote for please @babsboard

You got a 19.68% upvote from @bdvoter courtesy of @kabasakal!

Delegate your SP to us at @bdvoter and earn daily 100% profit share for your delegation & rewards will be distributed automatically daily.

500 SP, 1000 SP, 2500 SP, 5000 SP, 10000 SP.

If you are from Bangladesh and looking for community support, Join BDCommunity Discord Server & If you want to support our service, please set your witness proxy to BDCommunity.

You got a 100.00% upvote worth $0.069 from @upvotewhale courtesy of @kabasakal!

You got a 1.29% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @kabasakal!

Today, I completed my 100 Days at @Steemit. It feels great. I want to celebrate this day with you guys because @Babsboard GarageSale is my favorite place in @Steemit. I just love this @Babsboard GarageSale & people who participate in it, especially the Mezzane Family. They are really amazing.
Today i want to share something about me, with you guys. @Pijon is my real name. I am from a beautiful country called @Bangladesh.

Lala Khal, Sylhrt, Bangladesh (3).jpg

After finishing my Master's Degree, I worked several NGO's like "Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre" & "Swisscontact Bangladesh" as a Development worker.
My Hobby is Travel Photography but sometimes i do Wedding Photography also. Today i am going to show you Guys, some of my Photographs. Hope you guys like them.


Sitakundo Mondir, Chittagong, Banggladesh_.jpg



I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Hello @pijon

It's really kind of you to point out that you like my family, which in turn expresses gratitude to you. Did you know @pijon, the word that comes from the heart goes directly to the heart without permission, and this is what happened with your kind words, I'm sure you're a good person and with high morals.
These wonderful pictures that you have taken that I was impressed by a lot of, it aroused my curiosity to know more about the characteristics of your country and your traditions and customs, your country is truly wonderful and characterized by geographical diversity and cultural as well as mine.
And as my brother @redouanemez said I also wish to visit your country, and of course i invite you to visit Morocco, which will inevitably impress you very much.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.


Best compliment anyone has given me so far. Thank you so much Dear @gagago for your kind words. It means a lot to me.


Dear @gagago, you are always welcome to visit my country. If you want to know about my country & its tradition & customs, you must come here. I am sure that you will like my country & its people & its tradition.

Beautiful Bangladesh
Portrait 2.jpg

Mohamaya Eco Park, Chittagong, Bangladesh_.jpg

Dear @gagago i will definitely visit @Morocco & i am hundred percent sure that i will love @Morocco.

Beautiful Morocco


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Congratulations @pijon and thank you very much for your words! The members of the Mezzane family are also happy about your presence in GarageSale because you are an active and serious member, and I wish you a good continuation and more success.

Your photos are really beautiful and I wish one day to visit your country Bangladesh.

Best Regards.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

You are most welcome @Redouanemez. I meant every word from my heart what i said about Mezzane Family. You guys are simply extraordinary. It gives me real pleasure that you liked my Photography.
And @Redouanemez, you are always welcome to visit my country. Do you know that we have the longest beach in the World "The Cox's Bazar Beach". It is the longest unbroken sea beach in the world, running 120 kilometres.



And we also have one of the largest Mangrove Forest in the World called Sundarbans. Where you can see the famous Royal Bengal Tiger.



You all are welcome to visit my Beautiful Country Bangladesh.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

A father carries his son across a broken bridge on the edge of Balhukali camp, Bangladesh. Heavy rains flooded the areas where people had set up temporary shelters, forcing them to move to higher ground.
Close to a million Rohingya people have fled violence in Myanmar to seek refuge across the border in Bangladesh. This unprecedented number of refugees, of whom more than half are children, has caused a large-scale humanitarian crisis. Oxfam is responding
The fastest-growing refugee crisis in the world
Over 671,000 Rohingya refugees have arrived from Myanmar's Rakhine State in Bangladesh’s south-eastern districts since August 2017, and hundreds more are arriving every week. They join hundreds of thousands who are already living in refugee camps and with local communities. More than half of them are women and girls, 60 percent are children under 18.
Many have arrived injured and deeply traumatized by their experiences, with just the clothes on their backs. They need food, clean water and shelter to survive, but above all they need to feel safe. People are living in makeshift tents in hugely overcrowded settlements. Conditions in the camps are woefully inadequate and unhealthy, with overflowing latrines and contaminated water. They’re largely unlit and dangerous at night – women, girls and children are particularly vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and trafficking.
Oxfam is responding
We are currently focusing on providing water and sanitation and adapting to better deal with the crowded conditions and sheer numbers of people.
• We are installing a sewage facility which will initially serve 50,000 people, which will rise to 100,000.
• We are drilling wells and installing water points, toilets and showers. To help local communities cope with water shortages, we are providing an average of 300,000 liters of chlorinated water daily in the Teknaf area.
• We’re helping people stay healthy and hygienic by distributing soap and other essentials, and working with community-based volunteers to emphasize the importance of clean water and good hygiene.
We’re also providing 23,000 households with vouchers that can be exchanged at local markets for nutritious vegetables and ingredients to supplement their basic rations.

APN Daily Rohingya News Today 24 May 2018,Thursday

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

So I'm again in this situation where I want to write something but I don't know what.
I have nothing to write about but still my fingers are touching the keyboard for some reason.
Nothing is making sense, maybe it's because I haven't slept for 2 days.
But I have to complete this game first, I can't have another unfinished work.
I need to add a few more lines, because for some reason everybody loves long comments.
Why can't we just write short and cute comments. People used to love that.
Is this enough, I'm waiting for the confirmation.
There it is, my work is done

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

,السلام عليكم أصدقائي جميعا

Peace be upon you, my friends,

Everyone here is excited to see the winner of this new contest "call my name", I think that the time has come close to announcing the winner of the best comment, which will be opened win in relation to this competition.
In my opinion, I think that the idea of ​​this competition is a genius idea to highlight the literary and intellectual level of the person as well as a way of formulating what he wants to convey to others ideas and information.
Certainly, many of us have benefited from this competition in the sense that whether winner or not, in general everyone here is a winner because we have corrected a set of small errors and also the terrible we usually do when writing our comments.

I am therefore grateful to Mr. @babsboard and Mr. @ramta for their efforts to develop and benefit.


We know all about winning and losing. They seem to be the two options in this game of life. They seem come together as a pair. But there’s another way to look at life. And this perspective might get you a whole lot farther (and happier) than the traditional winning and losing scenario.

According to this quote there is winning. And the opposite is not losing; it’s learning. Isn’t that the truth? When we don’t win, we certainly learn a bit about ourselves. We learn our limits. We investigate our weaknesses. We also learn what we really want and hopefully how to try again.

Quotes source : http://quotes.viralcreek.com/there-is-winning-and-learning/

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment


It is really amazing what you do @babsboard. The good part is that you have clearly written out what every individual needs to know to enjoy been a part of the game here. So as to avoid any mistakes that could eat them up later.

I particularly miss the garage sale and I really can’t wait for the recommencement. It is always fun to be here. This place is for winners. People who don’t give up. People who fix whatever wrong that there is.

Obviously not every user fully understand the rules behind this, but in this case they are to wait, watch and learn what is exactly happening because this is home for the lost.

Thank you @babsboard and @ramta for the great opportunity.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.


Thank's to @babsboard sir for this game.But trust me still i am confused about the game.I din't get it completely.I think this is a very tough game,because i don't know what to read or what you will choose @ramta sir?I am scared of your downvote.I am working hard since i joined steemit.Always trying to learning things from other people.But some times i also made some mistakes,i respond before reading the content completely.Now i am lot more careful though.Now i wanna learn from you @ramta sir.Because already i have learned some thing from you.I wanna see this garage sell in a more attractive way.One more thing last garage sell was not so profitable for us.Because in previous garage sell a lot of people used to vote on our comment,but this time most of the comment was vote less.@ramta sir and @babsboard sir can you do something about it?
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Hey @ramta @babsboard sir.Both of you are just doing awesome things here.This quality talk about garage sale is just superb.Now i wanna show you some part of beautiful Bangladesh.
It's kuakata beach.
This is just beautiful.
This red crab island.
This is just some glimpse of our beautiful Bangladesh.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Dear @babsbord and @ramta and everyone I shared this word about my own country's history here
It is evident in the history of the history that the fate of Bangalis revolves around clockwise. Fate disasters often appear in their form of slavery in the form of slavery. Sirajuddaula, the last independent Nawab of Bengal, was badly defeated in the Battle of Plassey in 1757 during the mortal battle with the English forces under Lord Clive. However, one of the reasons for this defeat was the betrayal of Sir Zafar Ali Khan, the commander of Sirajuddaula and his attendants. Through the defeat of this war, the sun of Bengal's independence was set for about two hundred years. The history behind it is the ruthless history of tyranny, tyranny, oppression and deprivation of the English rulers. But the Bengali people never accepted the colonial rule and exploitation. It was published in large numbers in 1857. At this time, the people's dissatisfaction took shape in the form of a rebel insurgent, although it did not see the face of final success. Later, the armed protest of the brave sons Titumir, Tipu Sultan and Haji Shariatullah, etc., the resistance movement, the revolutionary Masterda Surya Sen, of Chittagong. 20180527_185041_rmedited.jpg
The Indian Congress and the Muslim League formed to give a political form to the anti-British movement. Through these two groups political effort and non-cooperation movement. On 14 August 1947, on the basis of two-nation theory, two separate India and two independent and sovereign states were born as Pakistan and Hindustan. Based on the Muslim majority, Pakistan was composed of both parts of East and West of India. But the distance between East and West Pakistan was about 1.500 miles Despite independence, East Pakistan gradually became the colony of West Pakistan, the Bengalis remained deprived as before. The change is not their political, economic and social status
I shared a video of a fights of freedom

I call your name @ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Thank you so much on more stories @babsboard and @ramta

December 16 - Victory of victory
Seeing the condition of the Pakistani army, it became so bad that after finding no solution, they attacked India on December 3. The purpose of Pakistan was to attack suddenly and completely cripple the Indian Air Force. But they were not able to do that. India immediately declared war against Pakistan and jointly with the Mukti Bahini entered its army in Bangladesh. In Pakistan, five infantry divisions of Pakistan After the war of India-Pakistan began, it took only 13 days. After the war started, a bastion of Pakistan started falling. The Joint Forces passed them near Dhaka in an incredible speed at an incredible pace. They surrounded Dhaka and urged the Pakistani army to surrender. The Pakistani army decided to surrender. General Niazi, the Chief of Pakistani forces, signed the surrender document at 4pm on December 16 at Red Cross Maidan (present Suhrawardy Udyan).

I call your name @ramta reddigton to judge my comment

In my country, we are all rooted in tradition, in every parts of our life, starting from food, religion and customs that are reflected in our marriages.
In our culture, marriage represents not just the sacred union of two individuals, but the bonding of two families and extended relations as well.

11 Subarna Weds Rahul.JPG

Generally a traditional wedding is arranged by the Family & Ghotoks (Matchmakers), who are generally friends or relatives of the couple.
Bengali weddings are traditionally in four parts: 1.The Bride's Gaye holud
2.The Groom's Gaye holud 3.The Wedding Ceremony & 4.The Reception.

4 Subarna Weds Rahul.jpg

The "Gaye holud" take place before the wedding ceremony. The Groom starts from his house after receiving his Parent’s blessings.

2 Subarna Weds Rahul.JPG

Generally A Bengali Hindu Marriage can be divided into these following three parts:
1.Pre-wedding rituals like Ashirbad, Dodhi Mangal, Holud Kata, Sankha Porano. 2.Wedding rituals like Bor Boron, Potto Bastra, Sat Paak, Mala Badal, Shubho Drishti Sompadon, Saat Paak(Couple), Anjali, Sidur daan.
3.Post-wedding rituals like Bashar Ghar, Bashi Biye, Bidaye, Bou Boron, Kaal Ratri, Bou Bhaat, Phool Sajja, Dira Gaman.

7 Subarna Weds Rahul.jpg

5 Subarna Weds Rahul.JPG

Although nowadays the couple find each other according to their own choices.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Thanks @pijon for this information about your country I did not know that before !

the beauty of the photos attracted me a lot, we also in Morocco we have traditions that we respect too much especially during the marriages and clothes that makes wife very beautiful.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

You are most welcome @Redouanemez & I am glad that you like my photography. The photographs you shared is really beautiful & mesmerizing. I wish, one day i could attend a traditional wedding in @Morocco & take some beautiful photos like this one.

Pijon-wedding photography.jpg

Best Regards @Pijon

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Hi @pijon nice post man.You have described the marriage very nicely with beautiful photos.I am very thrilled to see that few Bangladeshi is trying to promote their culture to the world.Steemit is a big platform where people from different parts of the world is engaged.So our cultural richness is scattering all over the world.As a Bangladeshi it makes me feel proud.I hope some day steemit will overcome facebook then billions of people will come to know about our culture.If i am not wrong it is a hindu wedding.Hindu wedding is always very colorful.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

If I have the honor to be the winner, the only thing I will do is not to repeat the mistake I made and to respond to the congratulations of the people with one comment to thank them all and not write a lot of comments "Thank you".

I thank Sir @Babsboard who told me this to be careful next time, and not to get me down because he realized that I did it by mistake.

I wish good luck to all the members who were active and write good quality comments, and I hope others who write standard comments to participate with things useful to everyone or even that they have to play elsewhere.

I think we learned a lot during this week, I'll wait for the next issue "quality talk" with many more interesting comments and less spam.

Best Regards @Redouanemez

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment


Dear @gagago happy birthday to you some pome only for you
New morning, new day
Start new, that's not the end.
With many good wishes for birthday
Send this SMS to you!
happy Birthday !
Car Saturday's favorite day is Car Sunday
My favorite day is your birthday!
Happy Birthday !
Night comes day, month goes year,
Everybody hopes for a good day,
I hope your birthday is ...
happy Birthday.... !
This day comes again and again and again, as if I can surround myself with many dreams.
Happy Birthday !
And a year has come, it will grow, and a candle, tomorrow and I have been in your way today, I am commending all the life! Happy Birthday !

I have been waiting for this day for a year ... because on this special day the creator sent me specially to you on earth ... Happy Birthday ......
I call your name @ramta reddigton to judge my comment

Hi dear @babsboard and @ramta sir.
Childhood is the best part of our life.I will present some moment of blustery childhood.
Childhood means tension free life.No need to worry about anything.
They love to play football wherever it is.
Just enjoyment.
Childhood is the best part of our life.We all miss our childhood. The beauty of childhood is you need not to worry about anything.
I call your name @ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Hi @rupok my friend.This is a very touching part of our life.I still miss those days.All the picture is taking me in my past.It makes me nostalgic.I wish i could get back those beautiful days.When we had nothing to worry about.Enjoyment was the only moto.Thank's for sharing such lovely content.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.


A chaotic yet fun colourful celebration of the many myths, legends and deities are associated with it. Holi is marked by religious fervour and celebration also includes traditional dances and. Obviously, the rubbing of bright colours, gulal and abeer on friends and relatives is the biggest fun factor of the joyous festival. Different states and cities have their unique way to celebrate this festival. Some say that it is the victory of good over evil brought about with the burning of a demoness Holika. Let us find out more about the significance of this colourful festival.


History and Significance of Holi
There are many stories which are associated with the celebration of Holi. The most popular remains the tale of Prahalad. According to the mythology, Hiranyakashipu who was a king in ancient India but was brutal since he considered himself to be the God. He wanted everyone to worship him. The cruel king had a young son named Prahalad who was a great devotee of Vishnu and never obeyed his father due to his cruelty. Fuming at his son’s disobedience, Hiranyakashipu punished his son multiple times which never affected the boy. The King planned with his sister Holika to kill Prahalad. Holika then tricked Prahalad to sit on her lap while she sat in a fire. Their plan failed as the little boy kept chanting Lord Vishnu's name throughout and remained safe. But Holika burnt into ashes. The defeat of Holika signifies the burn of all the bad things. This is why, in some states of India, people lit a bonfire to mark the death of evil.



Sweets and Cuisine
The most popular sweet consumed during the celebration is gujiya. To add that extra dose of thrill and excitement, people devour bhang, an edible preparation of cannabis. Bhang is usually added in a sweet creamy milk called thandai.


Best Festival Ever
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Namaste Everyone
Hinduism is rife with festivals and every festival is remarkable and unique by its own virtues.
Our Festivals:
Navratri-Dussehra-Durga Pooja Navtari, meaning nine nights, is a period to honor the deities and plead for their blessings and goodwill. The world famous Dussehra of Mysore also falls on the final day of Navratri and the festival, as a whole, essentially serves as the precursor to the impending Diwali.

Diwali The festival of lights—Diwali or Deepavali—is the most popular festival in the Indian subcontinent.

Holi The vibrancy of Hindu festivals is largely owed to Holi, a festival of colors and a harbinger of spring in India.


Krishna Janmashtami Krishna Janmashtami is the joyous festival celebrating the birth of Krishna with a lot of merriment through dancing and singing. The gaiety of Krishna Janmastami is often accompanied by competitions, notably breaking the pot filled with yogurt suspended high in the air.

Makar Sankranti Makar Sankranti is a festival made unique by its celebrations, ranging from kite-flying to bonfires and extensive rituals on the river banks.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Hello !

I noticed something weird !!

A same comment repeated by several people !! The comment is written by Sir @rjunaid12 :

Congrats @RedouaneMez for for the best guesstimate.. I agree with you Steemit is freedom and everyone deserves freedom equally

this comment has been copied and pasted by :
@nafisislam, @gorgiousman, @getstarted, @killermanprapto, @greenwhell79

What is amazing is that there are people who posted the comment twice !!!

I wonder if you have not read @Ramta's advice and @Babsboard rules ? !!


If you want more details take a look at what @Babsboard and @Ramta have said.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment

Hi @redouanemez you have spotted it right.Still there is few people who doesn't scare of @ramta sir's down vote.If @ramta sir downvote them with his 100% then they will learn a terrible lesson.But @ramta and @babsboard sir is so kind they never to harm other.They just warn people who copy others comment and non quality or one liner comment's.I think it is time to be strict with those who copy or make one line comment's.Another thing you have spotted is quality of the content.Here in garage sale quality is the key to success.@babsboard and @ramta sir is maintaining the quality of the garage sale is very nicely.Quality is a kind of thing which always should be adored.Thank's to every one.
I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.
Best regard's @rupok.

Some tips about writing a great comment for the @Stemians who has been @Downvoted for their one liner comments.

1.Read the article.
2.Respond to the article.
3.Make it clear who you’re replying to.
4.Use facts.
5.Don’t confuse facts with opinions.
6.Avoid sarcasm & also avoid unnecessary acronyms.
7.If you have time please read other comments, it will help you a lot.
8.Respect the Author & his/her believes.

I hope this will help other new @Stemians like me to write a good comment.

I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

Benefits Of Fasting
The health benefits of fasting include detoxification, faster healing, radiant skin, and secretion of growth and anti-aging hormones. It is also good for the digestive system as it boosts metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces appetite, thereby managing weight and obesity. It provides relief from epilepsy, arthritis, pancreatitis, cancer, and cardiovascular issues.
1.Rejuvenated Immune System.
2. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes and also reduces High Blood Pressure.
3. Boosts the Human Growth Hormone.
4. Aids in Preventing Cancer.
5. Jump-Starts Weight Loss.
6. Improves Brain Function.
7. Promotes Detoxification.
8. Encourages a Healthy Diet and Immunity.
9. Rests Your Digestive System.
10. Triggers the Breakdown of Fats.


I call your name @Ramta Reddington to judge my comment.

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