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RE: You want "free speech"? Go write in a diary!

in #notentitledtoshit5 years ago (edited)

There's always "bad actors" or ones that don't fit in with your own world view, it seems you're wishing for a traditional system where they can be easily removed or silenced. There's Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Medium for that. But of course, there's zero rewards for posting there, so staying here, while even being flagged is a better outcome in a sense since at least here there's no one who can censor you.

I'd just create a new account and stay away from the drama, it isn't worth it. This place isn't perfect, but it's better than the traditional alternatives and that's why I'm using it.

If you see some huge buffed guy punching everyone who gets close in the real life, you probably wouldn't want to interact with him in any way, the same seems to apply here where moderators/site owners aren't herding and protecting the users.


seems pretty obvious...

pay to play..

or build a bot farm.

or make no money.

content matters not.

if you have money..

you get more.

content matters not.

no friend.. this place is dead.

without proof of brain.

i signed up with that in the contract.

time i cashed out as they no longer agree with my principles.

We all make our own choices, good luck mate!