My dporn video #1 - Win prizes

in #nsfw6 years ago (edited)

Rules are simple:

  • add link to your dporn video in comment to this post (just one)
  • you must be fucktime verified (FTV)


  • 100% upvote from me (3 videos)
  • 75% upvote from me (3 videos)
  • 50% upvote from me (3 videos)

Contest Duration: 3 days. Status: C L O S E D.

Ps. Don't forget about


yes, this is first round so any (own) video is ok

My entry. (thought I had already posted it here... but don't see it)

"I had that thing up my butt for how long?"

is this for gays too

yes, for everyone

I hope so... after posting gay vid. didn't occur to me to think otherwise. :-)

sexy 😱😱😍😍

Suggestion for future award votes. Vote on the linked to post and not the comment linking to the post.
This way the actual work being awarded shows the award.

There is no difference between post and comment on blockchain, anyways i'm also voting on posts, I can not vote twice on same post and this is why i'm voting on comments

yeah comments add value to the blockchain and users need to realize they can be as valuable as blog posts, and perhaps that would reduce the spammy blog posts.

ok, that makes sense. I think.

Just occurred to me that not up voting the original posts hurts as they don't get any their benificiary dividend for hosting the vids.