Yellow Cosmos Flower

in #ocd5 years ago

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Sulfur kenikir (Cosmos sulphureus) is a flowering plant that originated in Mexico and belongs to the Kenikir-Kenikir family. This plant is also a natural habitat for insects.

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Cosmos is a native of shrubs and meadows in Mexico where most species occur, as well as the United States, as far north as the Olympic peninsula in Washington, Central America, and to South America as far south as Paraguay

citation needed One species, Cbipinnatus, is naturalized in much of the eastern United States and eastern Canada.

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It was also widespread in the eastern highlands of South Africa, where it was introduced through contaminated horsehair imported from Argentina during the Anglo-Boer War.

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This plant has an allelochemical content and is thought to have the potential to be used as a vegetable herbicide because it contains phenol compounds which have potentiochemical properties.

These flowers are produced in the capitulum which is surrounded by a ring of broad florets and the center of the florist disk. The kenikir flowers come in bright colors as varied as orange, yellow. They can be single or double colored flowers.


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