Drill, baby, drill

in #ocd11 months ago (edited)

So I got Covid again. No big deal I guess. My gf's dad got it when she visited down south, and she naturally carried it back up, went through it herself, and now it's my turn.

That being said, having covid is not the worst thing going on right now.

The worst thing is that I took a day off, only tot find that, after a solid year of construction drilling in an apartment above me, they're STILL DOING IT.

A year. Of drilling.


We've complained so often in the past, and eventually they got shut down because their contract expired and they were doing it illegally. Apparently it's legit now because it's 'not construction, but furnishing'.

I can tell those fuckers aren't doing furnishing from here. It's exactly the same as before. Drilling.

Drill on; Drill off. On, off, on, off. Over and over and over and over and over. Hour after hour. Day after day.


There are no other tools being used. No hammers, no saws, just a a drill for half a second, then off for half a second, and repeat.

It's so much worse than Covid because it's so paralyzing. It's not a constant noise I can learn to filter out. The on-off nature of it means it's constantly stabbing me in the ears, and the vibrations constantly keeping me on edge.

Sometimes, they'll leave a ten second gap, where I become hopeful maybe they're having a lunch break or something... but no. 10 seconds later it's on-off all over again.

I'm sick so I can't go out, but I can't watch anything, I can't sleep, I can't listen to anything, I can't read. I just have to wait until 8,9pm when they decide to stop.

You've no idea how difficult it was just to write this rant out.

I know they're not doing anything. I've seen the videos of them just sweeping sand back and forth, or just hammering the floor behind construction barriers while watching tiktok. I know they're doing this to fill up a schedule to artificially inflate a contract's price, and on a larger scale, GDP.

But is it really worth being murdered by a white guy with Covid?

Ugh. Or maybe just drill into my brain and be done with it.


Again in what , 3 months? Heh. World is atm is in full delusion. With the exception of china the world has been in a mass infection experiment for just 18 months, with no long lasting immunity in sight.

I know people who have gotten it 4 times by now (both vaxxed and unvaxxed) since they take zero precautions.

Imo, this won't end well and there's a lot of high quality published research to support it.

Remember, even hiv feels like a cold the first days.

Meh, Yolo.

Hope the drilling ends soon 😞

Closer to 6 months I think? But yeah. Not sure why you think China hasn't been an infection experiment. We've been rats in a cage for the last 3-4 years, and even less immunity due to lack of exposure until recently.

I never got the vaccine but I fared better than my friends who got double/triple boosted, but I mean, that makes sense. If we're comparing it to a regular flu then we are constantly updating the flu jab every single year because of its rapid mutation rate. Don't see why this one would be any different.

To be sure, this version feels very different to last time. This one is significantly weaker and more common symptoms; barely different to the colds I get as a result of working in a school, but weirdly makes me even more miserable because I still have to go to work.

That being said, I'm not really concerned about any such long term HIV mega effects unforeseen or whatever. Every illness and glass of wine we have permanently changes our outcomes, immunities, and longevity.

If it looks like a shit, smells like a shit, feels like a shit and tastes like a shit, it's probably not a government conspiracy to permanently alter our DNA into obedient slaves. More likely, it's a shit. Or Joe Biden. Same outcome either way

When I say experiment, I don't mean like like some super secret blah. More like the jabs failed to take control of this with a sterilizing effect like with other diseases so everyone decided to just pretend it doesn't exist and go on with their lives like it's still 2019. Much like we pretend there's no climate change etc etc. Same with governments which now have the motto "go to work, it's just a cold". Yeah, sorry but I'll be a bit cautions and wait a litte bit more before dropping down all my precautions.

Anyways, plenty of research on nature and other credible journals suggesting that re infections can really fuck you up regardless of how mild your symptoms were on (re)infection.

The average Joe gets the flu once every 5 years. Meanwhile, it's about twice a year for Corona as you just found out. Something to think about.

I mean, that makes sense

Anecdotal. Anecdotally I can say I have observed the exact opposite. Only difference is research agrees with me, especially on age groups of 50+

that makes sense

What I mean by this is that it makes sense that people with vaccines still aren't immune to a flu virus - because nobody ever is. This much isn't anecdotal.

I remember when I was in school I'd get sick just like what I got now multiple times each year cause we're kids and dirty gits. Sure, not a 'flu', but this second round is more cold-like than flu-like anyway. It's presumably mutated into something much weaker so it can spread much more easily; the ultimate goal of a virus.

It's not like I don't disagree with you being cautious though, especially if you got older or weaker people around. It's definitely behaving differently to what we're accustomed to, to say the least. And we can't even rule out yet whether or not there was a manufactured element to it (though I'd attribute incompetence over malevolence whenever it comes to China)

I just think I personally have a lot more to worry about than a stuffy nose which might come with some other side effects down the line yet to be determined; my tinnitus, slipped disks, fucked up toe, weird heartbeat, broken family.

I suppose I've had a very different experience overall from most people outside of China. All the politics and scandals and theories were all just distant news gossip while I collected dirty rainwater in pans to drink.

fuck you up regardless of how mild your symptoms were on (re)infection.

And some athletes suddenly die from heart attacks in peak health; doesn't stop athletes doing their thing. I suppose for me, it's important to balance my quality of life. I can worry to the extent that I live a life of safe misery, or I can live the way I intend to, with an added slight risk factor that my sense of smell goes a bit weird or something (curious to these credible researches you're touching on about re-infection effects)

It's presumably mutated into something much weaker so it can spread much more easily; the ultimate goal of a virus

Wrong, that's deliberate propaganda that was pushed into media by certain groups. I won't elaborate more on that (about who pushed the propaganda and why, it's largely personal opinion) and I am lazy, I'll just say a few words. Polio, ebola, small pox, rabbies, the list goes and on. None of these viruses, if any, ever got "weaker" despite being with us for thousands of years. Furthermore, there's no evolutionary pressure for corona to take that path since it had a small fatality ratio from the start (let's say 1 %) and that often weeks after the host was already infectious and had spread it. With people getting infected again and again it's mostly pure luck what happens, although there's definitely a pressure to avoid our immune system responses. We used to get a different variant every 6 -12 months now it's a new one that takes ground every one or two :)

I am too busy to comment on the rest right now, maybe I'll come up later today

that's deliberate propaganda that was pushed into media by certain groups.

Pff as if I'm blindly spouting conspiracies? That's just what I said based on my own very true knowledge that viruses mutate, and my own personal and current lived experience.

Airborne viruses tend to bounce around a certain strength. If too weak, you might not even cough and that reduces spreading. If too strong, you end up isolating or lying in bed, also reducing spreading.

It makes total evolutionary sense, then, to get weaker, and sometimes a bit stronger, always moving, changing - as all viruses do. All I was saying is 'presumably', based on my current condition, the reason that mine is weaker is because it's going through that process. Not because a government ad told me so.

Polio, ebola, small pox, rabbies

Different virus types have different mechanisms of transmission. A flu is an airborne virus, while rabies is through direct contact (bites etc). Polio through shit, and ebola through body fluids. Small pox through prolonged contact. Strength-based mutations might not be as effective in these cases, but something else such as incubation periods.

Rabies is so pervasive specifically because it learnt to incubate anywhere up to 6 years before kicking off, and the mechanisms of that are far beyond you or I's ability to understand.

Ebola has been mutating consistently, with a good 3% difference to the version that existed in the 70's, its just inherently less flexible a transmission method compared to airborne - the grandmaster of transmission methods.

I don't have all the answers obviously, and you have a lot of valid points, I just don't agree that I need to consider doing anything different to what I'm already doing. It's beyond my control, and not all that concerning when compared to the fact I'm breathing about 40 cigarettes a day via the polluted air, and eating gutter oil and plastic mashed into my food supply.

don't agree that I need to consider doing anything different to what I'm already doing

Nowhere did I say you have to :)

One thing I often wonder, though, is how much of these revelations about covid aren't really revelations at all. Like, until it happened nobody gave a second shit about flu viruses and how their mechanics work, the rare 1% symptoms and long term effects,

For example the mighty 'Long Covid' became a huge, terrible thing. Except that's not a new thing in flu's at all; long term flu and pneumonia symptoms are a thing that happens commonly, it's normal. But we just never thought about it or cared.

Now everyone's panicking about it because people gave it a name and a BBC article. Well, how many other weird and mysterious things are we dealing with and adding shock value to now, that we've always dealt with in the past without a second thought?

I've certainly had some weird stuff going on in my body over the years I never bothered even mentioning to anyone and just dealt with it until it went away.

One thing I often wonder, though, is how much of these revelations about covid aren't really revelations at all. Like, until it happened nobody gave a second shit about flu viruses and how their mechanics work, the rare 1% symptoms and long term effects,

Return to my previous argument, on average you get the flu once every 5 years. Covid at least once per year. Even if everything else is equal (it's not by far) that's 5 x more. But it's not . That's why let's say last winter in Greece the flu killed about 20 people, most elderly like with covid. That's pretty much the current daily death ratio from covid. In winter. And summer. In spring. And autumn.

Anyways, clearly this leads to nowhere we will keep chasing our tails so I'll stohp

Surely they were for a year doing a course on noise torture techniques, it seems they are having a lot of success and to increase your curse the covid has confined you in their nets.

Maybe it's time to listen to music with headphones, I hope your health improves soon my friend.

Yeah I got some good noise cancelling headphones I live by, but they're just uncomfortable when lying in bed feeling agitated, and it doesn't stop the vibrations going through my bones -__-

I just went to work today with covid. screw it, everyone's got it now anyway it's not like I'm protecting anyone by staying at home and being drilling in the face

Wow and I read this as your first post after the one about tinnitus.
This sounds like modern warfare and I can only imagine how this feels when sick.

Can't you call the police on them? This is extreme.

P.S. It also reminds me of a late 1970s cult movie called The Driller Killer by Abel Ferrara.

And these words of yours:

Ugh. Or maybe just drill into my brain and be done with it.

reminded me of the movie Pi ( π ) by Aranofsky. If you've seen it, you'd know what I mean.

Hope the terror stops soon without you ending up in jail ;<)

first post after the one about tinnitus.

Yeah nobody is doing my head any favours lately!

We could get police involved, as we discussed, but we've just decided to move out instead. Our contract is done after this month anyway. No point putting up a big fight for something so temporary.

movie Pi ( π )

Not familiar, should I? I'm mighty ignorant with movie culture tbh.

I get why you won't complain. Glad to hear you're moving soon.

Also, better not watch The Driller Killer. It might give you ideas ;^)

At least you have something to compete with the tinnitus.

Haha very good point lol. I decided to screw another sick day and just go to work. Less hassle for my brain

Ever just get fed up and wanna go back to the US?

UK - but yes, that is what I'm doing. All my money is already there, just a long, arduous immigration process for my gf.

That being said, the more I hear about the UK, the less appealing the idea becomes. Sounds like we're a few years away from becoming a third world country...

Hmmm, maybe western Canada is better then.

I am a snow kinda guy... But with 3 cats and 13 years under my belt being imprisoned by a visa-based lifestyle without a day out of work since I graduated, I just wanna... be a jobless bum. Just for a little bit... then I'll consider these more glorious options heh

Maybe Mexico is the ticket for awhile then..