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RE: Not so (Vancouver) Special Challenge

in #ocd3 years ago

Oh wow, so many things that I thought about saying in reaction to this post:

First of all, thanks for your wonderful words regarding me, the challenge, and my song choice. It made me feel all giddy-happy! :-) I agree, Lorelei would definitely benefit from some groovy baseline. I really liked the Amadeus track you shared. I totally can feel the urgency, and see how well it goes with working out, or even just working. What's more, listening to this tune might actually get the Cocteau Twins out of my head (finally). Also, I want to repeat the truth in your words: by extending our criteria for beauty we increase the shelf life of our sex appeal. Oh, and I'm excited to hear that @mipiano encouraged you to take up this challenge (presumably after I mentioned you two in my post). All this just goes to show how successful this challenge is turning out - for those who run with it.

Thanks again! :-) Keep on shining!


Thanks you wonderful man, much love to you, be well!