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RE: What If We Could Change the World

in #ono6 years ago

Hi @lynncoyle - of course I know who you are 😊 I can't do much myself for you guys but I figure what I can do is try to make sure as many people as I can see it. My heart goes out to you both and I really wish I could do more. You both inspire me and are in my thoughts and prayers.

I only learned about ONO right before I did this post, and it really resonated with me. Ke Xu's vision is quite something. A company putting their people first and actually caring about their users is refreshing. And I believe the fact she rejected ICOs in favor of building the community shows that she means it and that it's not about the money for capitalists, it's about the people.

I know how lofty my idea of what it could be is, but I believe that change happens one person at a time. Get enough of the right people in the right place, and who knows what could happen. 😏

As far as ONO and Steemit, I am planning on still doing both. I think they will complement one another well. It seems that ONO is going to be more short-form. As you can see by my posts, I can be a little long-winded lol - I won't know for sure until I can get into it and really see how it works, but my thoughts are putting a TL/DR version with graphics on ONO, and linking to the longer-form content here on Steemit. Obviously not copying and pasting, just tailoring the content to the different platform's consumers.

And it's not ignorance at all! I'm really curious as to how it's going to work as well and I have a ton of questions still. I really can't wait until the International release and crossing my fingers I get an invite code. Are you two involved at all? If not, I'd recommend joining the English Telegram group so you can stay updated. I'd love to say that'll automatically get you an invite code but I honestly don't know how that is going to work. Everyone is on pins and needles and hoping lol but I think you guys would fit in great.

Thank you so much for your kind words and the submission! This would actually be my second time; I was in Issue #36 for my first food curation post. It was such an honor to be recognized and mentioned and even if I don't make it in this time, I really do appreciate the thought and entry. It's nice to be recognized and even more so, to read thoughtful comments like this one.

I love the interaction on this site, and it's the people that make it special! 🤗


Thank you then for the exposure to our story; it's something Brian and I both really appreciate!

I really wish I could do more.

You are doing more than plenty :) Collectively, this community has helped us tremendously, and you of course are included in that!

ONO sounds very cool indeed, although like you, I tend to lean on the long-winded side myself lol , but I will join the English Telegram group just to stay updated and see where it all goes. I totally understand about the 'invite' part of it all, but I appreciate your sentiment towards us "fitting in".

You are welcome about the asapers submission as well. It's never a huge post payout, but the recognition is always nice. I am a firm believer in genuine commenting as a way to be "successful" here; without that, there are no genuine connections made either, and then all you have is another awful platform like FB :)

I love the interaction on this site, and it's the people that make it special!

Agreed!! :)