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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 67 - Record Your Performance And Win Steem - Sponsored By @pfunk And @luzcypher

in #openmic6 years ago

Where do I even begin with this one... "Grateful" is a super personal song to me. During my younger years, I spent much of my elementary school age living with my grandmother. She essentially raised me as a child when my mom had a tough time and I looked at her as more of a second mother than as my grandma.

About a year ago, I got the call that her health was slipping and that if I wanted a chance to say goodbye, I would have very limited time. What followed was the longest day of work of my life followed by a 2 hour drive to my hometown. I made it just in time.

As I sat in her room for the last time, this song captures some of the thoughts I was having. Guilt for moving on with my life. Guilt for never getting a chance to thank her for taking me in. And guilt for just not having more time to sit with her as an adult and hear all the life advice she had to offer me.

This song is my letter to beyond the grave as a final chance to say thank you and to let her know jow grateful I am. Thank you guys foe checking this out and thanks to @luzcypher for this awesome opportunity to share our creations together. Much love guys, hope you like it!