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RE: 💯 Steemit Open Mic Week 100 - “I Am One” (Original Song)

in #openmic6 years ago

You guys always sound great together and complement each other's voices well.
For some reason, the lyrics remind me of the Highwayman.
Loved the wild family clip, kids are awesome and when we let them they find ways to accomplish so much.
Be blessed


Right on. Thank you, my friend. Yeah, I see you're a fellow rad daddy, and agree - it's so much fun watching the kiddos grow and blossom. Awesome.

Is this the "Highwayman" you're referring to? Big Willie Nelson fan here. He's our hometown hero, here in Austin.

Yes, that is it, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash.
I don't know why other than the drop of rain reference. That and I may be getting old, who knows.