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RE: Not Everything Needs to be a Spectacle: Turning a Negative into a Positive

in #opinion4 years ago

I had thought about adding 'low effort overly rewarded' content to my list of disagreement or 'not likes' but these days with things like ASK HIVE, that's signaling to the community they'll finally acknowledge triggering mechanisms. It doesn't take much effort and it's the engagement being rewarded. Part of what helped my blog see some measure of success at times was using things like humor and making damn sure nobody ever knew what was coming next. Triggering reactions and curiosity. Drama does it as well but most days I'd prefer to have a fun comment section.

And about those ad hominems and incoherency: It sucks when you say something, a tone you didn't have is added, things are taken out of context or misinterpreted, no questions are asked, conclusions are made, then you're accused of those things you mentioned, even though it wasn't your intention. Right now I'm rushing to type this. Do you think I care if things are worded perfectly? Then it backfires and if someone wants to go there, there's no coming back. LOL! FML.


Low effort low engagement, on average overly rewarded works for me. But I definitely appreciate the posts that at first glance look like low effort, but aren't. It's difficult. For example, I'm good at some things and can do much better in 5 minutes what might take the untrained hours to do worse. Also, some people have a reputation and a following and can get better engagement and discussion by asking the same question, slightly differently or not. It's still a high-quality skill.

Humour and people not being sure what's coming next is a good one and really fits your style, I'm not sure it would work as well for mine. We all have our tricks of the trade. Hopefully, we can all agree the more the merrier. No one can fully know what will make this platform great, it's why I take a long term outlook. It's slowly getting better, maybe too slowly, whatever.

I don't mind people who are writing without careful consideration all the time. I'm sure we both agree the main point is to recognize BS when it is called out. I just don't get that vibe from you in general and like you I'm not one to require that /s mark which is also why I dislike reddit.

"A high-quality skill." I like that. And yes there are pointless low quality posts being rewarded. They often fall into that reward farming category when people notice it's becoming a problem. An honest creator wants to be impressive. Some folks settle for low effort and don't expect high rewards at all, earn very little, and that's cool, too. No problems there. If they're happy, I'm happy.

Some want to shoot for the stars, do really good, complain about not getting noticed, but act invisible at the same time. I could teach folks a lot but many tend to stick to their plan, which is fine, and I hope it eventually works for them. If not, change your approach a few times at least, before giving up.

If people want to be taken seriously, they shouldn't use humor. Simple as that. Entertainment in the context here isn't all about laughs. It's more about doing something that gets attention in general. You can entertain guests. That doesn't mean you're sitting there telling jokes all night. All you're doing is doing what makes them comfortable.