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RE: Not Everything Needs to be a Spectacle: Turning a Negative into a Positive

in #opinion4 years ago

'That's exactly why I used Bieber as an example!'

Understood that man, don't worry.
Nonames a real Belieber!?; no way, hahaha

'This place is lucky most folks, miraculously, act rationally'

Let's hope (and beware) it stays that way. Think the few who don't (yet), we can live with and/or we will be able to "overcome".


Those exclamation points aren't anger, it was excitement; happiness! Joy!

I used them intentionally to help prove my point, but I didn't think it would actually work. When it comes to those minor details, it would be a tragedy if misinterpretation also led to downvotes. I could be happy but people are downvoting anger. Not cool. Better to ask questions and use the comment section than to jump to conclusions.