With more than 1,600 cryptocurrencies in the market, the exchange of these becomes tedious, added to this there are also millions of platforms that promise us a safe conversion but that end up being fraudulent or with little scalability in the transactions. Others, on the other hand, seem to have a wide range of security and scalability but do not contain all the existing cryptocurrencies and limit our transactions, prompting investors to carry out their operations from multiple websites.
Trading and cryptography are quite profitable digital markets if you have simplified and secure tools at your fingertips, today I will present you the simplest cryptomoney converter in the world that is in charge of eliminating all those problems that complicate the system of exchange between digital assets.
Buy, sell or change on the same page thanks to OnePageX...!
What is OnePageX ?
It is a simplified web portal that allows the conversion of various digital currencies in one place and without having to give so many clicks. Their service covers a wide variety of crypto currencies and is being perfected to further expand their offerings.
The most probable thing is that previously when converting your crypto currency "X" to another one that was much more profitable for you, you had to search among millions of cryptocurrency Exchange until you found the one that allowed the exchange that you wanted to make and once you found it, you lost part of your time in registering and following some endless steps for the verification of the operation, with OnePageX these problems are in the past!

- Its structure of use is simple and like all "One Page" all the information you find on its cover.
- Unlike many web portals this does not require registration by the user to make the transaction.
- Transactions can be verified using the URL that is generated when the operation is performed.
- In a maximum of 25 minutes the transactions are terminated and may be less time if there is no congestion in the blockchain.
Guide to Transactions
Without having to go to any link the exchange of coins is done in 3 simple steps from the main page of the portal:
- Choose the currencies you want to convert by looking at the top of the page in the wide menu of offers that OnePageX has, which currently has 144 coins available to exchange.
- Subsequently you must indicate in the space below the withdrawal address for the operation
- Finally, just click on "Start Exchange" to finish the process.

After this you only have to be aware when the process ends according to the status indicated by the portal and you do this by entering the transaction with the card or QR code generated by OnePageX. It should be noted that for your status to change to "Full Withdrawal" you must deposit in the deposit address that contains the card.
In order for you not to have any kind of inconvenience it is necessary that you respect the deposit limits that the page itself indicates, which in turn ensures that the waiting time for verification is much shorter and that the process is simple.
Different Status
Waiting for two Confirmations
Pending Withdrawal
Completed Transaction
OnePageX is a form of exchange that simplifies and decreases in a timely manner the performance of our transactions without leaving aside the quality, security and speed that is required when converting our currencies. With the search for its massive implementation and greater impact on investors and workers of crypto currencies, it makes available to them its "OneBox" a widget adaptable to any web page whose objective is to provide easy access from multiple sites to its functionality.
This cryptocurrency Exchange works perfectly like a bureau de change available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week supported by transactions that are made at a rate of 0.5%.
For those of you who need anonymity, speed and security the OnePageX interface will be your best friend!
More Information & Resources:
OnePageX Website
OnePageX FAQ
OnePageX OneBox
OnePageX Twitter
OnePageX Medium
OnePageX Steemit
OnePageX Telegram
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