
Going... Going..... Gone!

You got any bro's or sistas?

I used to treat my little sister like that when we was young'unz.

I miss her badly now. That was a bittersweet Giphy as I did not get to tell her goodbye and how much I loved her. R.I.P. little sister. Misti (Mick) is gone but never to be forgotten by this @krazzytrukker .

Drunken Gilligan.jpg

Wow. I broke down for a few over that 2nd photo. Shawny (collie mix) the dog 🐕 I loved dearly in it also.

Sorry bout that. I just try to think of her every day. untitled.gif

Ah fuck man. Reminds me of the last conversation I had with my mother. Fuck.

Nah. I'm the only oops. Buried the only parent I met when I was 37. Pura and Atlas are all I got at the Christmas table.

RIP Mick.