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RE: A Couple Of Rocks With Nothing On Them

in #outofthinairlast year

Hi @dandays, a lovely walk at first, but then the pityful graveyard with unmarked graves. How cruel can man be, unthinkable, despicable and tragic that people were once regarded as work mules. Still happens today in a different way, just not legalized.
Back to the walk, that cottage looks very mysterious but, I'm also terrified of snakes so would not have explored that either.
Our adopted cat Poe brought in a half-dead but still wriggling, baby snake into the living room one night, I just about freaked!
I hope Pura's 'tune-up' went well!
Have yourself a good weekend @dandays 💖


Tune-up is even funnier when you say it. = }

Hello Lizelle. I'm not sure if that trail continued in the other direction and I ended up in the middle of it or I found the end of it. Love it when things work out the way they're supposed to.

I would flip if the cat brought in a snake. Pura's only seen me see one snake, one time. I stood on top of a picnic bench. True story. Pura chased it away. I can't handle them.

Thank you, young lady.

Haha, I can just see you standing there, balancing on the picnic bench, but the poor snake probably got a bigger fright!
Our domestic worker once found a long grass snake underneath a couch in our living room. Fortunately, we'd not left for work yet, and hubby would not kill it and he somehow managed to get it into a bottle which I had to hold in the car so he could drop it off in the bush halfway to work!!! I was freaking out! Sat with my feet curled up on the couch for a long while after that!
Me and snakes also ain't friends so I know exactly how you must have felt!

O-M-Y. Grass snake? Awe, how cute. They're all starving, venomous mother boa constrictor's protecting their eggs to me.

Under the couch?!

Haha cute??? Whether they're poisonous or not I don't want them near me😳