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RE: A Couple Of Rocks With Nothing On Them

in #outofthinairlast year

No relation to Alicia Silverstone if that's you're getting at. Or Fred Flinstone.

That's not what I was getting at. I've never heard of a "footstone" and still don't get why it's used, etc. Bizarre the way it's written, sounds like livestock almost. What do I know though? Nothing. I only know about Irish slavery.


😂 Equally guilty.

even the making of each brick—dot dot dot.

That's got to be such exciting reading.

Yes I saw that one. It's what came to mind immediately when I saw SNAKES I didn't see here.

You talked shit about my cover image enhancing.

I was using reverse psychology.

En route. <3



Reverse psychology is the funniest thing I read all day.

Alright, cool, now I'll that resonate for a year.

Reverse psychology is the funniest thing I read all day.

Think of it as a dog barking up the wrong tree the wrong way with the wrong end on the wrong day in the wrong week.

Meant to mention I saw this depressing tag and cried profusely and pathetically:

I've always tried to keep my #tags #partofthe #story.

I clicked on each tag. I was disappointed twice (definitely devastatingly disappointing days 'o dan). Third one was a story of stories.

I've been called worse than that.

I'm not disappointed that you've been called worse than that.