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RE: A Couple Of Rocks With Nothing On Them

in #outofthinairlast year

There he is! Haven't seen you in a while. I hope you're good?

I know this. I practically got killed by one once

I'd honestly love to hear this story😂

We never can tell were our legs take us but sometimes it's best to go with the flow. This was actually a nice place with an intriguing historical backup. I love history.

That house though, was it built in the 18th century? Because it looks pretty new to me, alongside the shiny stone.


Yes, the original is 18th century but you're right, according to what I read that day, it's had a handful of remodels and renovations over the years.

Hello. Always a pleasure to see you. I don't mean to stay away so long, I enjoy this. I'm busier than an auctioneers toothbrush these days with a 6 month old puppy. She's such a great dog. Totally heart her. I'm loving every minute of it. If I don't stop myself now I'll go on and on and on and on and..

Thanks for keeping up with me.

Flattered you asked. Let me know what you think.

IC King Park Where I Nearly Fell Prey To A Boa Constrictor.

That's a relief because I was about to begin doubting that that building looked that way from the inception.

I loved the snake story by the way. A mixture of fear and more fear.. condense.

= } Thank you.

How are you with snakes? From what I've figured out, people can either tolerate snakes or spiders, not both.

Spiders don't bother me. At all.

Ohhh, spiders are not so terrifying and as for snakes, as far as I avoid them (and they avoid me), I'm good.

I had a similar confrontation with snakes but mine was in the night. One can only imagine. I think that was the last time I physically saw a snake so the fear for snakes isn't so intense.