I'm down for a meetup!
Or is it only you and Scarlet?
I mean, I am totally cool creepin' on your shindig. Swiping some potato salad when everyone is distracted and disappearing into the bushes like a stealthy trailer park trash panda!
Well, I meet @scarletleonard fairly regularly being married to her ;)
It's only the Atlantic Ocean being in the way that's the problem :P
You're welcome to creep into any shindig we have, no need to stealth into the bushes!
One day... one day we will seriously do a meet-up :)
Okay @scarletleonard?
I'm down for a meetup!
Or is it only you and Scarlet?
I mean, I am totally cool creepin' on your shindig. Swiping some potato salad when everyone is distracted and disappearing into the bushes like a stealthy trailer park trash panda!
Well, I meet @scarletleonard fairly regularly being married to her ;)
It's only the Atlantic Ocean being in the way that's the problem :P
You're welcome to creep into any shindig we have, no need to stealth into the bushes!
Shows how much I know! 😂
It's ok, he's not that important.
a meet up would be totally awesome though.
And a sick burn from @scarletleonard!
Source: http://wallpapergt.com/download/1920x1080/593/dragon-ball-z-goku-flames