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RE: I live to be hated and downvoted by Alt-Left!

in #palnet3 years ago

I'm not a fan of organized religions. Historically churches are interesting and I'm not opposed to them. I'm not opposed to anything that helps someone wake up really. I just walk on the other side of the street and wave from a distance if queued.


I lost my religion to the wisdom of an old jewish man.
I didn't gain a new one, or anything, just finished off my doubts about the old one.

I didn't find the scholarly affirmation until years later.

I think those that think forcing others to comply is the way are at the root of what ails society today, and probably as far back in yesterdays as we care to look.

While the masses accept that these people get to use violence on those people for reasons, this is what we get, enslavement of varying degrees.

As a larger percentage of folks push back on the tyranny, freedom will return in much larger quantities and qualities.
Drugs are clearly winning the war on that freedom.

When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
This is the point we must reach to achieve freedom from the tyrannical.
I think we are much closer now than even 10 years ago.