Trouble at home

Everything here runs more or less fine, getting to know some locals, some occasional power outages (usually not for very long, though it might be a good idea to get a uninterruptible power supply to last some electronics for those few minutes), now got cuttlery of all types (spoons, forks, knifes) and even a plug for my sink so i can wash up. At home its a different story.
Dad might have cancer in liver and lung, unconfirmed but he has trouble with his liver apparently. Other than that, im gonna have to get my former apartment in Germany renovated ,that might run me quite a bit of money, which here would last me for months.
Nothing really i can do about my dad aside from trying to get cedula here for i will not set foot in Germany before i have cedula (local ID) here. And i am not likely to get that any time soon as ill need at least ~6000€ for that.

I am now on twitter
and on gofundme

My Wallets:
Bitcoin: bc1qqk506f2cgmqtw0k7tk5jxna2m3w2vde0vxrhle
Monero: 86j3eTJyJup1yfxfQwJfb52bubPLGUSvZNiaXjHYSYAqVaExqHz4fwMFhtuQVBd3HRUsmP9ED1Ebk6Grf6UNd7ED5oZhnvf
Doge: DGkYzp1m3rE4NG8ktEyXLjsGrKwjbcB1q5
