Is That What I Think It Is?

in #parenting6 years ago

On a walk with some of my family this week, my six year old daughter noticed this "cute bunny" drawn on a bridge. I do find some of the "graffiti" to be creative and artful, however I wasn't impressed to have my young child find this Playboy Bunny. Of course, she has no idea what that bunny stands her it's just a "cute bunny". I hope she hangs on to that innocence for a very long time.




I was perusing the feed when I came across this and laughed. How old can this graffiti be?

Of course, I wouldn't have found it funny if it were my kid. :/

It can’t have been old, the trail and bridges are built in the last year or so.

I've always enjoyed graffiti especially the ones that are more thought out and less lude. Yes let's hope she keeps that innocence :)

I appreciate the beauty of art including some graffiti....this, I was less impressed with.

oh Let's hope she doesn't copy it at school during easter artwork!! sigh.

She is #homeschooled so no worries there :)