What is unconditional love?

in #parenting7 years ago

It's fireworks season in the UK as we are nearing Guy Fawkes Night and people have started to buy and use fireworks when it gets dark.

Last night, my son went to bed but struggled to fall asleep because he kept hearing the bang bang bang of fireworks and didn't know what it was. He was afraid and couldn't settle. I lay next to him in bed and explained what fireworks are (and completely confused him because rocket and fireworks are the same word in German: Rakete). So, he was thinking that little rockets were launching off the ground with a loud bang to then fly to the moon.


We looked out of the window in the hope we would see some so that he didn't need to worry and be afraid of them and would sleep. No such luck unfortunately, so we were left cuddling in bed together me holding his hand and comforting him.

In that moment, lying there with his little body next to mine, holding his hand, I felt the overwhelming love I've got for this child. AND, I felt like a goddess because he trusted me unconditionally and believed that it's ok to go to sleep because I am there. Those feelings were so powerful and lovely as well as a bit scary. I wanted to capture the moment so I remember forever. I'm grateful.