in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

What are you waiting for. Without you waiting for the moon will appear decorate the night.
Stop complaining. Your complaints will not stop the day. Look over there. A sparrow flies away from his son for a grain of rice. Look over there.
A snake crawled to get a frog. Are they complaining? Are they crying?
My friend. Time never stops. Opportunities never meet you all the time.
My friend. A rise reach the dream.
Make your wishes fly to the moon. Happiness will not come with complaining. Happiness will not come with waiting. Then pick her up.


Apa yang kau tunggu. Tanpa kau tunggu rembulan akan muncul menghias malam.
Berhentilah mengeluh. Keluhanmu takkan menghentikan siang. Lihatlah disana.
Seekor burung pipit terbang meninggalkan anaknya demi sebutir padi.
Lihatlah di sana. Seekor ular merayap demi mendapatkan seekor katak.
Apakah mereka mengeluh?
Apakah mereka menangis?
Temanku. Waktu tak pernah berhenti.
Kesempatan tak pernah menjumpaimu setiap saat.
Temanku. Bangkitlah menggapai mimpi.
Wujudkankan keinginanmu terbang ke bulan.
Kebahagian tak akan datang dengan mengeluh.
Kebahagian tak akan datang dengan menunggu. Maka jemputlah dia.

Posted using Partiko Android


Lokasi fotonya di Bogor atau di Cipanas bang?

Kebun raya bogor

Congratulations @mujasteem: this post has been upvoted by @minnowhelpme!!
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Thanks for being here!!

You should try formatting your poem.

Oke... I will to try it. Thank you.

Very nice post.

Thank you