Merry Christmas! What a 2018 for Partiko!

in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians and Partiko lovers,

It's been an awesome year! We are so proud and fortunate to be able to serve such an amazing community, and we are so glad we managed to grow together! Thank you!

It's Christmas, so it's time to reflect and celebrate. What have we achieved together this year?

In April

Partiko debuted the Android app on the Steem Creators Conference.

In May

We integrated SteemConnect, and launched the Partiko iOS Beta Testing Program.

In June

We launched our first ever giveaway event, and Partiko iOS finally hit the App Store.

In July

We launched Partiko Points, onboarded 3 amazing Partiko Partners and started the first ever Easter egg giveaway.

In August

We onboarded another 3 Partiko Partners, started our first weekly report and started running our own witness node.

In September

We went through HF20 with the rest of the Steem community.

In October

We hit the 2000-follower milestone, won the Netcoin competition together, hosted the first ever Steem community event in San Francisco, and onboarded our first ambassador.

In November

We launched Partiko Messaging at SteemFest3, and raised 220K Steem Power from the amazing community in 4 days.

In December

We onboarded Partiko Partner #7 and #8, helped save over 50K Tumblr blogs, and hit the ProductHunt frontpage with the support from the community.

Partiko now has over 6000 daily active users, and we're still growing rapidly. Without your help, none of this would have been possible!

We never celebrate without giving back to our amazing community, and this time is no exception!

You can get 1 STEEM and 500 Partiko Points by finishing all of the simple tasks below:

  • Resteem this post
  • Leave a comment down this post and tag three of your friends

You can get another 1 STEEM and 500 Partiko Points by writing a short post using Partiko, and include "Partiko 2018" in the title and #partiko-2018 in the tags. You can write anything in the body.

We look forward to a more amazing 2019 with all of you!

Together, let's change the world.

Onwards and upwards,
Partiko team

Posted using Partiko Android

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Merry Xmas and happy new year. Keep up all the good work.

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is the best dapp of 2018!!!😁💙🎉 I'm wishing an awesome 2019 for all Partiko lovers and team🙌 Keep on the fast growing🚀👍😃

I tag @steemflow @devann @xpilar @amico @naijauser

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for tagging me, but I was one of the first commenters on this post! 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ahhhah😂 Sorry!!😁 well so its a reminder eh eh

Posted using Partiko Android

Great dApp! It’s simple& easy to use... which is what I need in a dApp
Love the support and attention you give the users!
I’ll tag folks I would like to hear from more :
Great seeing/meeting u guys at SF3

Posted using Partiko iOS

I agree, @partiko is so easy to use.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I love partiko a lot since it easy to comment, make a post, upvote. I get to see my rep, sp, steem, SBD and number of followers at a go.
One other thing I love about partiko is how fast they give notifications.

@afolwalex @ammyluv @clicked

Posted using Partiko Android

I love the notifications on @partiko

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good work to the team...I am glad I am one of the family. Cheers to greater and better 2019.
@xawi @ferrate @uche-nna come and join.

Posted using Partiko Android

Being part of the @partiko community in 2019 is best way to be active on steemit

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hmmm I'm new user looking forward to seeing benefits of this app @ifeoluwa88 @akomoajong thanks for mentioning me guys @burlarj @udezee @jlordc

Posted using Partiko Android

It has been a wonderful road and things are only just starting to take off! I cannot wait to see where this takes all of us!

💪 Thank You So Much 🙏 @Partiko

@dnews @humanearl @alphasteem @captainbob @toddmck @reseller @neopch you all rock just wanting to say thank you for helping very early on in my journey 🥰

Posted using Partiko iOS

Bless Ya 😎🙏

Posted using Partiko iOS

Likewise my friend 🙏

Posted using Partiko iOS

Follow the blue @partiko road to the Steem Blockchain core.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I dunno I always thought of the paid article road as green 😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am trying to use it as much as I can. As I spend most of my time with PC, until today I was not using it much.
Today I discovered BLUESTACKS. Not that I like this emulator very much ( I had much trouble to login via steemconnect on it), hopefully I will be able to use partiko more now.
Resteemed, and tagging now to try partiko on your mobiles @aurimo @iveta @ligit

Any plans to make a NORMAL partiko app for windows PC?

Posted using Partiko Android.

Using @partiko is the best way to be active in the steem blockchain

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko is the best Steemit interface for me ever. @mermaidvampire @olivia08 and @otom Have a wonderful day! Cheers!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad I was using Partiko in posting my pictures. Try this @rovill @bien @dianargenti

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your mention Sir @benedict08

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is growing fast and gorgeous: it’s the easy and fastest way to socialize on the Steem blockchain, isn’t it?

I nominate my preferred bloggers:

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the mention @crmillaz. I have never used partiko before. I think I may try it on these coming days. Cheers😊

Keep your awesomeness @partiko!
I'm just having a good time in here.
Hey there, @travelsbyblue @meetmysuperego @randomkindness @dizzyapple @gremayo @mers @jurich60 @mermaidvampire @mini-zephalexia @olivia08 @mers @tazky and a lot guys have some fun!
Thanks @benedict08 for the mention.
Happy Holiday!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @otom for mentioning me here. I have participated now and resteemed the post as well as wrote an article on Partiko 2018.. Cheers!

Posted using Partiko Android

I know a few people who might wanna get on with this

@priyanarc @mamun123456 @ashikbd
right guys?

Thank you very much for mentioning my name brother

Posted using Partiko Android has really Mae steemit to be fun for me. With #partiko everything on steemit will be fun.
Happy new year in advance to all steemians.
@mickey1036, @steemreward, @crypto.piotr come and witness the uniqueness of
Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko makes steemit easier and more enjoyable for sure

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have to mention @partiko as a friend, because you give me the best tool to surf the @steem blockchain. I have so many people that I appreciate, like @streetstyle, @whatsup, @hanshotfirst, @etcmike.

When I first started on @steemit, @venuspcs was my biggest supporter along with @ervin-lemark.

Can’t forget @moon32walker, @dumar002 and @fibra59.

When it comes to the @actifit community, it’s too many to list, but @michealb and @j85063.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the mention :)

Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko is such a great app that help me on my daily lufe. I find it recently, is the most complete, i just want you improve the feature of the wallet so we can begin to made transfers using it soon. For sure it will be the best.
I suggest to @crypto.piotr , @jadnven, @sacra97 use it.
I wish you all the best!.

Posted using Partiko Android

Gracias por la sugerencia @reinaldoverdu @partiko

De nada, espero te animes a participar @sacra97 :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thx @reinaldoverdu for recommendation.

Patriko seem to be dedicated to mobile users and Im only using Steemit on my laptop.

Cheers buddy

Well you have to give a try to the growing market of cellphone/mobile users. I think is the future and is an unantendet section now from many years ago. I think is an unexplored and virgin resource of diamonds and gold.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @reinaldoverdu

I dont think that mobile users can ever be succesful on Steemit. Hardly possible. But surely they can do well as a content consumers.


Thanks for your insight! While writing content are easy on desktop, engaging with followers is definitely way easier on the phone. Unless you don't use smartphone at all:)

Posted using Partiko Android

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

Just got in a day ago. Thanks hans001. @hans001 @annabelv @rondp

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko iOS

Dank je wel zus 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Hope to see your first post!

Posted using Partiko iOS

@todo... I Did already, but didn’t knew how to find you back... 😂
Have a nice new years eve!

Posted using Partiko iOS

more than50% of my post are use partiko App.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's great! Let's make that number bigger in 2019!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you partiko for being part of my 2018 steem life. ❤ 😘

@mers @olivia08 @dizzyapple

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your mention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is the best dapp I have ever used! @moneybaby @honoru @alvin0617

Posted using Partiko iOS

Preach it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I absolutely love @partiko and it's my go-to app now. Smooth and easy to use and keep up with my blog. Thanks for the app and all the best fpr 2019!
I am sure my friends, @wakupkitty and @tezmel agree! Happy New Year!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! I do agree! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I am here to agree! It's been so efficient especially on alerting me about mentions and who upvotes my work and when. I use it to read posts via my phone and comment like everyday! :)

To @partiko

Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko is a terrific dapp. The best part is being able to steem on the go, and get notifications when things happen. It really helps you to engage and network. Amiright @cryptojiang, @wonderwop, and @j85063

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the tag :)

Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko, thank you! Great results! I do believe in the success of the Partiko community!

I will tag @behelen (hope she will start using the dApp). Also, I will tag @practicaleric (a friend of mine who is a very active Partiko user). And I will tag ,of course, @elizacheng , because I know her personally from the Steem Fest, and I am glad that she's just become a Partiko partner.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @cryptospa for the tag! I am so happy to have met you at SF3. Thanks again! Wish you a great 2019 ahead! 💞❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for tagging me @cryptospa. i appreciate 👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations Partiko for having 6000 daily users here. This is fantastic! Thank you for creating this app and I was only able to come on board in November. And it has been wonderful to be able to write tutorials and promote to get more people to use Partiko app. Great to become one of your Partners and yes, we will have a great year of 2019.

I want to share with my friends to join us at Partiko 2018: @ruah, @carlpei, @project7

Posted using Partiko Android

Great comment: you deeply deserve the partiko partner nomination... congrats! 👏

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey its been great using Partiko and wish there will be more dapp's out there which comes out addressing the needs of the community for their daily use.

Tagging @danieldoughty @ireenchew and @veenang

Posted using Partiko Android

Let's do this ddaily fam.

@artakush @neopch @greencross

Posted using Partiko Android

Ever since I downloaded Partiko, replying comment, commenting on post and getting notification has been very convenience. I love it!! Meeting the team behind & @jackcrypto at steemfest 3 has been awesome, knowing a lot more exciting upgrade coming to iOS. It has been an exploring year on steem blockchain for me 2018. 💃💃💃

Hereby, I would like to tag @nomadicsoul, @bitrocker2020 & @aaronleang.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You made a nice app that's easy to use. Thank you!
@onefatindian, @chireerocks, @janisplayer

I've only started to use partiko few months ago. I really like it and it was, it is and it will be a great journey. I would also like to thank @awesomianist @davidke20 @ericet for supporting to me throughout my journey!

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for Tagging me! I've tagged other people and hopefully they hear about Partiko too.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not sure how long I’ve been using @partiko, but I’m so glad I started

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko is growing each and every day! From seeing the footer of "Posted using Partiko" in many many comments, till I downloaded and try... I have never turn back. Partiko has brought my Steem Journey to another level. Steem everywhere I go with Partiko on my phone. And then from Malaysia to Krakow, meeting up with @jackycrypto at SF3, and then to be the 7th Partiko Partner... 2018 has been a major major major year for me!

So I would like to tag you three @awesomianist @littlenewthings @davidke20 to share your 2018 with @partiko.

Posted using Partiko Android

When I learned about PARTIKO, I felt like a party growing in Steemit and I feel so comfortable with it.Thank you so much @partiko and to my all steemians,Merry Christmas most especially to @mers,@xephalexia and tazky

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko, I'm here to stay and make life easier in terms of real-time access to our steemit platform. Thanks @partiko and @ for making the world a better place.
I invite my friends to leave their impressions:

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congratulations on your first comment using Partiko!

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is awesome handy app i use it mostly to upvote and comment on the posts and i really like it notifies me about the mentions..

@jozef230 @amar15 @steemersayu907 @erode

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks Brotha for the mention and lettin me know all about it :)



@partiko is such a great app that help me on my daily lufe. I find it recently, is the most complete, i just want you improve the feature of the wallet so we can begin to made transfers using it soon. For sure it will be the best.
I suggest to @crypto.piotr , @jadnven, @sacra97 use it.
I wish you all the best!.

Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko does makes blogging on steemit a more enjoyable experience. #PartikoOn!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @runridefly

Patriko seem to be dedicated to mobile users . Is that right? Or does Patriko support also desktop version ?


Just landed in the steem ecosystem: Partiko seems to be the best mobile app for interact with others steemians and I’m loving it!

Resteemed with joy!

I nominate: @masoom, @actifit-peter, @xers

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks for mentioning @maitre

Posted using Partiko Android

This app is great in the past i have missed tags and such because i was using but now since i started using partiko i have never missed a single notification

upvoted and resteemed @rentmoney @intellihandling @crypto.piotr

Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko keeps me on the go. I love the notifications and the points are awesome. Congratulations on your 2018 journey and what's in store for 2019 and the years to come. I'm sure that @eaglespirit, @wandrnrose7, and @f3nix agree with me that @partiko rocks!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for tagging me and hope you're spending some great Christmas holidays Bruni!

Partiko: The best dApp ever created! @d00k13 @ayasha

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, dear for mentioning me. But I already have posted, anyways thanks for your concern to me! @libert

Woah! The series of Partiko events throught 2018 looks real good and good to see how Partiko grew round the year. Best Wishes for 2019 !!

Guys check this out - @blind-spot , @greencross , @prettynicevideo

Your hard work and effort have paid off! A success well deserved, worth celebration Congratulations!
@refer14 @umarvaseer84 @merlin7

Posted using Partiko Android

Using @partiko from my first day in
@michealb, @chwaqas, @runridefly

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh shoot, thank you for the mention.

I used to be super involved in @steemit.

@partiko has been an easy transition to make blogging easier from my IPhone.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank u bhi for tagging my name...
Pr mjy b to btaya kro kuch...

Posted using Partiko Android

Love my partiko!

Posted using Partiko Android

@blueeyes8960, glad to see you here! Merry Christmas to you and @crypt-skip.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for tagging me @blueeyes8960. 👍❤️🙂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the tag :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank Partiko for bringing me back to the Steemit.


Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko Android

@partiko is the best apps of crypto social network. I always recommend to others.

tag to my friend

Posted using Partiko Android

突然之間俾咁多人 tag 自我感覺良好🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

My engagement on Steemit increased a lot, since I joined @partiko. A very handy app that keep me hooked on steemit. Always comes up surprises especially the Easter eggs, which always rewards the user.
I would love to recommend this app to


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you partiko for support me and people!


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for add :)

Posted using Partiko Android

No problem!

Posted using Partiko Android

Partiko is awesome. I enjoy the app.
My friends are:

Posted using Partiko iOS

howdy today roger5120! thank you so are very sweet and very consistent, I think you're going to do very well in 2019!

Howdy back janton! Thanks for the lovely comments. So are you and I think you will be too. 🙂👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

@partiko enjoys you, and the @partiko community thinks you’re super awesome.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Partiko is such a revolution for steemit and has made the usability much more easy I can use steemit on my mobile from anywhere that is the best part.
I'm sure my buddies agree,
@being-arham @aslam121 @akmal1

Posted using Partiko Android

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