Another Round of Witness Pay-it-Forward Delegations

in #payitforward6 years ago

I got around to delegating some Steem Power again as part of a little Witness Pay-it-Forward initiative I had started back in April. It's not all my SP this time, as I'm not on vacation. But in total I delegated 2,500 SP to various people.

These are the accounts that received the delegations this time around:

4 of the accounts are running various projects, and 5 are accounts I wanted to give a little boost for a little bit to help them out.

I don't know how long I will keep them. Maybe a month. Maybe more. Please don't expect it to last forever ;)


If you like, appreciate or value what I did, or what I normally post about, please consider supporting me as a witness by voting for me. See the bottom of this post for info on my witness declaration and how to vote.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

If you appreciate and value the content, please consider: Upvoting, Sharing or Reblogging below.
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My goal is to share knowledge, truth and moral understanding in order to help change the world for the better. If you appreciate and value what I do, please consider supporting me as a Steem Witness by voting for me at the bottom of the Witness page.


Hi mate, just voted for you. I'm a small steemian or a minnow, so don't know how much my weight counts but i like the information you share and think you'll be a responsible witness. Resteeming as well so that you can get more votes.

I appreciate your support. No matter how small, it all matters for me at least if the person votes for me because they like what I do :D

Its great to see all these initiative to help minnows. We need more people like you

Thanks ;)

I believe Steemit has a great potential for unnoticed projects, thanks for supporting!

Thank you @krnel!

As you know, it will be spread around various engaged people for as long as it lasts. cheers!

You're welcome ;)

Aye aye captain @krnel 😁

Awesome. Thanks krnel! It's much appreciated especially as I just did some delegations the other day and now this puts my voting power back up a bit. Great! Also I noticed you listed @mckeever on there! I love him! I met him on Facebook and I don't find people I agree with that much very often, seems like a really good person who also cares about the planet and even the animals. :) Glad to see you helped him out!

Ty man, and right back at you!

I'm glad the small mount is appreciated by those who received it :)

congratulations to friends who got SP delegates from sir @krnel
@abh12345 500
@apolymask 500
@informationwar 500
@whatamidoing 500
@blackliberal 100
@celestialcow 100
@fruitarianism 100
@lenasveganliving 100
@mckeever 100

Much obliged good sir! :)


You're welcome ;)

ahhhh thanks man, I've got to stop draing my vp below 80% though so i can pack more of a punch with this delegation. I will do good with it though :-)

You're welcome :)

What an amazing surprise's an honor and I can't thank you enough!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE!!!

You're welcome. Less than last time, but should help you nonetheless ;)

It helps a lot..............and thank you again :)

Nice, vewy nice!! Congratulations to those who scored some delegated steempower👍🏻👍🏻
@krnel what a great way to pay it forward and help fellow steemians. The gift that keeps giving.

Thanks :)

Thank you for the support you have shown the above, most of them I know, and will be looking in on the last 4 as I do not recall seeing them before, I amy have visited their page, but am unsure, so will do so today some time.

You're welcome. The last 4 are vegan content creators that I wanted to help out.

I only know of one on your list . As you must know he will use it in a positive manner and spread it around . It is so nice to see that two of My witness work in such a manner in supporting each other in making the community better.

Glad to help with a bit of extra juice here and there ;) hehe

First and foremost. Thank you for the previous delegation to the asapers. We appreciate your generosity and the delegation was put to good use.

Secondly, thanks for being a pay-it-forward advocate. The pay-it-forward mindset is definitely something that will help this community to flourish in ways we never could have imagined.

Well done and thank you!

You're welcome :)

Thanks for helping others out, more people need to spread out their influence to help us minnows gain more so we can all prosper.

You're welcome. It helps, but it would be easier for you all to climb if whales voted for content instead of selling votes with bidbots, and users should stop supporting that behavior, it's a self-destructive behavior that new people don't get how it impacts the way votes are given out. Not that everyone should get an upvote, that's up to the person voting to want to give it based on liking the content.

Hey sir im begginer to streemit please help me out to grown on steemit upvote reateemed comment done

Thank you for being so generous by helping out this community. Greatly appreciated.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge, time and resources with us, i really appreciate your generousity.

Wow, thanks @krnel!

You're welcome ;) Enjoy the little boost hehe, I think it's enough to give you the vote power bar ;)

Thanks, and yes, it is.