How to block a particular website on my PC?[solution look over]

in #pc8 years ago (edited)

Firefox requires an add-on to restrict sites. You can find many good ones at
How to block a Website using Google Chrome

  1. Open your Chrome Web Browser
  2. Click the wrench symbol in he upper right corner.
  3. Choose Tools
  4. Click Under the Hood tab.
  5. Choose Change Proxy Settings.
  6. Click Security, click Restricted Sites
  7. Double click Sites and add the site you want block
    How to Block A Website in All Web Browsers

This action will require you to edit your Host file. Your host file is a computer file used to store information on where to find a node on a computer network. For more a more detailed description. Check out this link

In Windows

  1. Click Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.

  2. Click Command Prompt This will open a DOS command window.

  3. Type: notepad C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts

  4. Locate the line localhost

  5. To block the website for example, just add this text under localhost:
    You can add as many sites any site, However you will need to prefix it with "".

  6. Save the file
    Google will now be blocked in all web browser. This is an advanced but easy method on how to blow a website.