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RE: Germany or the Philippines? The big comparison! :) / Deutschland oder die Philippinen? Der große Vergleich! :)

in #philippines4 months ago

I’ve never been to Germany or Philippine but Germany seem like a very big country
Now, I’m surprised that you said the educational system of Philippine is quite better than Germany


To be exact, I compared the private school of my daughter in the Philippines with schools I know from Germany (I am not familiar with any other schools in the Philippines).
But at least according to what I experienced there, the Philippine school clearly wins.

In Germany often the classes are rather big nowadays plus the teachers are under high pressure because of all the bureaucracy they face and so many pupils (and their parents) are problematic and very difficult to handle. Furthemore the school equipments in Germany are often rather outdated.

This means that the educational condition of Germany is just like that of Nigeria

Well, at least I can say it's not in a very good condition.