When the miracle is arising

in #philosophie8 years ago (edited)

Have you ever experienced some kind of a miracle? When has that been? Can you remember it ? How did it feel ? Do you believe in further miracles to happen? What does miracle mean to you and where do you find them?

For me a miracle is a momentum in which my inner eye is open and i am clearly about life and what is happening around me. When the miracle appears I am freed from maya or the world of the illusion. To me a miracle hasn`t a lot to do with some happening in the outside reality, but with some happening inside of me in which i am cleansed and healed from old missperceptions and suffering. The best about miracles is, that it feels so unbelievably good and that the effect they have on us and our entire human vehicle are much better than any kind of medicine we can get on earth.
Miracles are the medicine we need to be freed.

We as humans tend to forget our true nature, but the miracles make us remember. We need them in order to realign ourselves with the universal law of bliss and abundance. We should give our best to seek those miracles without clinging to it in order to enter higher conciousness.

But how can we find such gracious moments, where the gates are widely opened ?