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RE: Philosophy 101, #8: Why did Nietzsche proclaim that “God is Dead”?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Nietzsche offered suggestions. He wrote how we could find our authenticity, and how we can build our own values. He described it in quite valorous terms. He was extremely concerned with our society, and gave us some ideas on how we could become a 'higher type of man' - the Ubermensch. Part of it is indeed to learn to overcome our struggles, because there's only rewards/growth through struggles.


All you ever seem to hear about Nietzsche is the "that which does not kill me..." quote.

Or this... ;)

That's better.


You mean this ;)

I hadn't even made that connection.

He totally ripped her song off. ;-)

You mean this ...

Nope, definitely NOT that. ;-)