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RE: FORESIGHT: What happened in the 19th and 20th century? Creating a doomed future.

in #philosophy7 years ago

craft of destruction gets a really bad rep nowadays

Destruction is easy. Even children grasp destroying things fairly early in their life.

Making things takes quite a bit more effort, and skill.

Also there are plenty of people that want those statues to remain.

I am not in favor of destroying knowledge, or creations especially if they have historical significance. That historical significance doesn't have to be to ME. I believe people are really arrogant when they decide what will be important to other people now and FOREVER. For many such destructions will be the last that is ever seen. If there was not some document on how it was constructed, what it looked like, etc It will just be gone.

We also have a lot of places hiding or concealing archaeological findings because they don't fit the established narrative taught in history.

They still teach that Columbus discovered America in 1492 here in the U.S. thought that is pretty obviously not true. We've found a lot of evidence that numerous Europeans and African nations made it here long before he did.

So let's just destroy that or hide it. That is the EASY button.

I am not an advocate of taking the easy path. Destruction generally is the easy path.

Now there are exceptions of course where destruction is necessary, yet I believe it is pretty clear in my post what I was referring to.


The idea of Columbus being a great guy who discovered America is destroyed as soon as you look into Columbus for a few minutes.

You know the law of conservation of mass? It pretty clearly states that nothing can be created out of thin air, so for every creation you need an equal destruction.

Also there are plenty of people that want those statues to remain.

Like I said, this is a plausible reason to defend the statue. Doesn't really matter if the statue was build 200 years ago or 200 days ago.

And just because children do something it does not make it immature or easy. Children are also drawn to creation, see sandcastles ie. Why do you think children seem to have an urge to destroy? Do you think there is some evil in every human that has to suppressed?

I am not an advocate of taking the easy path. Destruction generally is the easy path.

I don't think you do. You are very often talking about all the unjust systems out there. You are destroying the mainstream narrative by showing that their arguments are invalid.

Your highest goal is to get rid of the state which is obviously a destructive process. You also rarely talk about the specific rules you want to create to make make a better society. Even I, the Herald of Destruction, asked you to more constructive from time to time :P

You know this goes back to western vs eastern dualism, right? Western Philosophers often see dualism as a compromise between two opposing sites, however eastern philosophy describes dualism as nothing being purely good or evil . Everythinng has upsides and downsides and is up to the human to decide if he is willing to endure the downsides to enjoy the upsides.

The false narrative many history books present is also a creational process.

I wrote something abouts Marx concept of the alienation of production btw. I think it is something Libertarians see as well. Homesteading seems to be directly realted to this idea.

Would love to get your opinion on that idea of Marx.

Will see what I can do as far as looking at this hopefully sometime today. We did some pretty major edge facing firewall swaps last night for our corporate network last night, still working on plugging any issues that may arise due to the change.

Oh and I guess I am the Angel of death as well. @elfspice is dead. It seems like every time I mention someone to you he gets killed. FeelslikeinmyearlychildhoodwherethatgirldiedafterIconfessedmylovetoher

Well certainly being down voted to oblivion, yet here that doesn't actually mean dead. Especially considering that wasn't even close to their only account.

Well he said he wanted to change to his @calibrae alt, but that is dead as well.

I don't know him well , but I felt like he was not treated fairly. Maybe I just love it too much to side with the underdogs, I don't know.

I've always stood up for underdogs as well. I also believe strongly in free speech.