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RE: Liminal Philosophy

Thank you so much for the read! I will check your post out. We can go in a philosophical dialogue!

The most applicable way they feature in my life is through the difference of being and becoming. How I see it is that "being" focusses too much on finding a stable place or idea, but life (as all of the covid stuff and economic problems has taught us) is never stable and always in motion, so I focus on becoming because this idea never really tries to find stability but it flourishes in dynamic motions/fluidity.

That is very complex ideas in a small paragraph, I hope they make sense to some degree?


Yes it does make sense; it brings up to me that often in the spiritual community, much is said about just be, be you, be in the moment, etc.. Now your point brings it deeper and more subtle. What I am now, is a different being the next second already, so 'just be' cannot exist in time somehow. Becoming, always becoming, alludes more to an infinite self-discovery and exploration rather than try to get (back or not) to a state where I just 'am'. Which has to take me out of time then for me to just be. Maybe that's what the void is about..

Becoming is a big thing in ancient egyptian philosophy, with the Scarab archetype, Kephera, which is my anagram :) Maybe you've come across that subject, if not it's quite interesting as it came up when I read your comment!

Oh wow, can you go into more depth about the Egyptian philosophy and becoming? That sounds amazing.

Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head with that. I particularly like your idea of being to be outside of time somehow, which we cannot possibly even attempt to do! I might just work with that idea a bit more. Is it your own idea that you got from my comment or did you read it somewhere?